Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Kylie Minogue - Lights Camera Action
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Subillusion joins Georgia on Drive

Today I was joined by local artist Subillusion to discuss his new single, Come Down. Having taken a new name since the last time he was on the show, Subillusion also explained the reasons behind the rebrand, as well as plans for the future as lockdown lifts.

Make sure to check Subillusion out on Instagram, and all streaming sites, and if you missed our chat, catch up below.


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Subillusion joins Georgia on Drive

Today I was joined by local artist Subillusion to discuss his new single, Come Down. Having taken a new name since the last time he was on the show, Subillusion also explained the reasons behind the rebrand, as well as plans for the future as lockdown lifts.

Make sure to check Subillusion out on Instagram, and all streaming sites, and if you missed our chat, catch up below.


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Subillusion joins Georgia on Drive

Today I was joined by local artist Subillusion to discuss his new single, Come Down. Having taken a new name since the last time he was on the show, Subillusion also explained the reasons behind the rebrand, as well as plans for the future as lockdown lifts.

Make sure to check Subillusion out on Instagram, and all streaming sites, and if you missed our chat, catch up below.


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Subillusion joins Georgia on Drive

Today I was joined by local artist Subillusion to discuss his new single, Come Down. Having taken a new name since the last time he was on the show, Subillusion also explained the reasons behind the rebrand, as well as plans for the future as lockdown lifts.

Make sure to check Subillusion out on Instagram, and all streaming sites, and if you missed our chat, catch up below.


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