The Christmas season is well and truly upon us and with that comes the dreaded cold weather. As the years have gone on I have come to dread this time of year. Not only because of the extravagant cost of everything but no matter what you do you’re going to be cold. And with the cold comes aching bones and joints. It’s not just Greys that come with getting older.
In a previous post, I discussed how the cold weather often brings with it illnesses like the colds and flu. What I didn’t discuss is the biggest danger of all about the cold weather…. Ice and getting attacked by Disney Characters!
That’s right. As is the case with most of my life. I found myself in a peculiar situation, to say the least. A fistfight with a giant dog in Disney Land Paris.
If you wanna hear how this happened then give the show a listen and please remember to share and subscribe.