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It’s a great Easter Bank Holiday!

On today’s Bank Holiday music marathon “special”, we took time out to look at the man who actually enjoys a “dog’s life”.

Truly I really don’t think that there’s anything left that can surprise me.

Channel 4 recently screened “THE SECRET LIFE OF HUMAN PUPS”

Now if this unusual network offering passed you by, it concerned people who like to live life as dogs.

One such individual is 37-year old Salford store manager, Kaz James (shame his name isn’t Barker) who says that since the age of 6 he’s always felt like a dog.

Perhaps he should have applied to work as a guard dog rather than store manager!

When not at work he can be found sporting rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses and even a bespoke £2000 fur suit.

He also goes around greeting friends by grabbing hold of their shirt collars in his teeth, biting, licking and barking at them. He is also often to be seen carrying items in his teeth and snacking on BONIOS.

After a long day’s work Kaz finds there’s nothing more relaxing than eating a meal out of his dog bowl. But the only dog food he goes for are the treats.

It is unclear just how well trained he is, if he came to your house, could you keep him off the furniture for instance?

I certainly wouldn’t want to go for a walk in the park with him, clearing up all his offerings and stopping at every tree and what on earth would you say if he started sniffing bottoms willy nilly?

We also looked briefly at the issue that has caused both High Street store Waitrose and fast food outlet, Burger King, to have come under fire from some sections of the community.

First off Waitrose has been forced to issue an apology after a trio of Easter chocolate ducklings modelled on the old HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN fairy tale song “THE UGLY DUCKLING”, were dubbed as racist.

The song tells the story of a small, brown duckling who is mocked by the others.

Later he realised he is not a duck when he sheds his ‘stubby and brown’ feathers and becomes a white swan.

The issue arose because the ducks were named – CRISPY, FLUFFY and UGLY – the dark one being named UGLY.

On top of this BUGER KING has come under fire in New Zealand after it featured an advertisement for a new Vietnamese sweet chilli chicken burger, featuring people attempting to eat it using giant chopsticks.

It seems that the row was sparked after a Korean student complained that the ad made fun of Asian cultures.

Now call me old fashioned, if you will, but personally I relish the diverse peoples, cultures and lifestyles that exist in this world – and I would suggest that everyone should be proud of who and what they are. So yes, stamp out real racism, but in my book this is just daft!

Right – I’ll now get down off my high horse and hope to see you again tomorrow,

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It’s a great Easter Bank Holiday!

On today’s Bank Holiday music marathon “special”, we took time out to look at the man who actually enjoys a “dog’s life”.

Truly I really don’t think that there’s anything left that can surprise me.

Channel 4 recently screened “THE SECRET LIFE OF HUMAN PUPS”

Now if this unusual network offering passed you by, it concerned people who like to live life as dogs.

One such individual is 37-year old Salford store manager, Kaz James (shame his name isn’t Barker) who says that since the age of 6 he’s always felt like a dog.

Perhaps he should have applied to work as a guard dog rather than store manager!

When not at work he can be found sporting rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses and even a bespoke £2000 fur suit.

He also goes around greeting friends by grabbing hold of their shirt collars in his teeth, biting, licking and barking at them. He is also often to be seen carrying items in his teeth and snacking on BONIOS.

After a long day’s work Kaz finds there’s nothing more relaxing than eating a meal out of his dog bowl. But the only dog food he goes for are the treats.

It is unclear just how well trained he is, if he came to your house, could you keep him off the furniture for instance?

I certainly wouldn’t want to go for a walk in the park with him, clearing up all his offerings and stopping at every tree and what on earth would you say if he started sniffing bottoms willy nilly?

We also looked briefly at the issue that has caused both High Street store Waitrose and fast food outlet, Burger King, to have come under fire from some sections of the community.

First off Waitrose has been forced to issue an apology after a trio of Easter chocolate ducklings modelled on the old HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN fairy tale song “THE UGLY DUCKLING”, were dubbed as racist.

The song tells the story of a small, brown duckling who is mocked by the others.

Later he realised he is not a duck when he sheds his ‘stubby and brown’ feathers and becomes a white swan.

The issue arose because the ducks were named – CRISPY, FLUFFY and UGLY – the dark one being named UGLY.

On top of this BUGER KING has come under fire in New Zealand after it featured an advertisement for a new Vietnamese sweet chilli chicken burger, featuring people attempting to eat it using giant chopsticks.

It seems that the row was sparked after a Korean student complained that the ad made fun of Asian cultures.

Now call me old fashioned, if you will, but personally I relish the diverse peoples, cultures and lifestyles that exist in this world – and I would suggest that everyone should be proud of who and what they are. So yes, stamp out real racism, but in my book this is just daft!

Right – I’ll now get down off my high horse and hope to see you again tomorrow,

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It’s a great Easter Bank Holiday!

On today’s Bank Holiday music marathon “special”, we took time out to look at the man who actually enjoys a “dog’s life”.

Truly I really don’t think that there’s anything left that can surprise me.

Channel 4 recently screened “THE SECRET LIFE OF HUMAN PUPS”

Now if this unusual network offering passed you by, it concerned people who like to live life as dogs.

One such individual is 37-year old Salford store manager, Kaz James (shame his name isn’t Barker) who says that since the age of 6 he’s always felt like a dog.

Perhaps he should have applied to work as a guard dog rather than store manager!

When not at work he can be found sporting rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses and even a bespoke £2000 fur suit.

He also goes around greeting friends by grabbing hold of their shirt collars in his teeth, biting, licking and barking at them. He is also often to be seen carrying items in his teeth and snacking on BONIOS.

After a long day’s work Kaz finds there’s nothing more relaxing than eating a meal out of his dog bowl. But the only dog food he goes for are the treats.

It is unclear just how well trained he is, if he came to your house, could you keep him off the furniture for instance?

I certainly wouldn’t want to go for a walk in the park with him, clearing up all his offerings and stopping at every tree and what on earth would you say if he started sniffing bottoms willy nilly?

We also looked briefly at the issue that has caused both High Street store Waitrose and fast food outlet, Burger King, to have come under fire from some sections of the community.

First off Waitrose has been forced to issue an apology after a trio of Easter chocolate ducklings modelled on the old HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN fairy tale song “THE UGLY DUCKLING”, were dubbed as racist.

The song tells the story of a small, brown duckling who is mocked by the others.

Later he realised he is not a duck when he sheds his ‘stubby and brown’ feathers and becomes a white swan.

The issue arose because the ducks were named – CRISPY, FLUFFY and UGLY – the dark one being named UGLY.

On top of this BUGER KING has come under fire in New Zealand after it featured an advertisement for a new Vietnamese sweet chilli chicken burger, featuring people attempting to eat it using giant chopsticks.

It seems that the row was sparked after a Korean student complained that the ad made fun of Asian cultures.

Now call me old fashioned, if you will, but personally I relish the diverse peoples, cultures and lifestyles that exist in this world – and I would suggest that everyone should be proud of who and what they are. So yes, stamp out real racism, but in my book this is just daft!

Right – I’ll now get down off my high horse and hope to see you again tomorrow,

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It’s a great Easter Bank Holiday!

On today’s Bank Holiday music marathon “special”, we took time out to look at the man who actually enjoys a “dog’s life”.

Truly I really don’t think that there’s anything left that can surprise me.

Channel 4 recently screened “THE SECRET LIFE OF HUMAN PUPS”

Now if this unusual network offering passed you by, it concerned people who like to live life as dogs.

One such individual is 37-year old Salford store manager, Kaz James (shame his name isn’t Barker) who says that since the age of 6 he’s always felt like a dog.

Perhaps he should have applied to work as a guard dog rather than store manager!

When not at work he can be found sporting rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses and even a bespoke £2000 fur suit.

He also goes around greeting friends by grabbing hold of their shirt collars in his teeth, biting, licking and barking at them. He is also often to be seen carrying items in his teeth and snacking on BONIOS.

After a long day’s work Kaz finds there’s nothing more relaxing than eating a meal out of his dog bowl. But the only dog food he goes for are the treats.

It is unclear just how well trained he is, if he came to your house, could you keep him off the furniture for instance?

I certainly wouldn’t want to go for a walk in the park with him, clearing up all his offerings and stopping at every tree and what on earth would you say if he started sniffing bottoms willy nilly?

We also looked briefly at the issue that has caused both High Street store Waitrose and fast food outlet, Burger King, to have come under fire from some sections of the community.

First off Waitrose has been forced to issue an apology after a trio of Easter chocolate ducklings modelled on the old HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN fairy tale song “THE UGLY DUCKLING”, were dubbed as racist.

The song tells the story of a small, brown duckling who is mocked by the others.

Later he realised he is not a duck when he sheds his ‘stubby and brown’ feathers and becomes a white swan.

The issue arose because the ducks were named – CRISPY, FLUFFY and UGLY – the dark one being named UGLY.

On top of this BUGER KING has come under fire in New Zealand after it featured an advertisement for a new Vietnamese sweet chilli chicken burger, featuring people attempting to eat it using giant chopsticks.

It seems that the row was sparked after a Korean student complained that the ad made fun of Asian cultures.

Now call me old fashioned, if you will, but personally I relish the diverse peoples, cultures and lifestyles that exist in this world – and I would suggest that everyone should be proud of who and what they are. So yes, stamp out real racism, but in my book this is just daft!

Right – I’ll now get down off my high horse and hope to see you again tomorrow,

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