Welcome to the third episode in this series of the Mental Health Matters podcast on Phoenix FM. Featuring Character Development teacher and mental healer Chris Deojee and Oak frontman Andy Valiant.
You can listen to it here:
It was great to finally be able to speak to Chris Deojee, though when we did we had a technical problem which meant the recording wasn’t saved. Thankfully, we were able to meet again and we managed to record a conversation, maintaining a lot of the energy of what we spoke about in the first. In fact so much that I’ve decided to split it into two parts over two episodes, with this one being the first.
Based in Suffolk, but practices around London and through Essex. He wouldn’t specifically call himself a mental healer, with all the technical connotations that would convey, but a lot of work certainly helps along those lines. And he was able to fully describe what he does and how he is able to help people.
We spoke about many of the distortions in society which cause a lot of imbalance in each of us and how we’re not shown great examples of emotional dexterity growing up by those around us, compared to how we are physically for example.
Also we talked about the distortions caused by the difference in subjective and objective reality that are imposed on us, and the increase in confusion in gender and use of language.
The continuing part in the next episode will include how important nutrition is to our mental health.
You can get in touch with him here:
Before I played that conversation with Chris, I included a chat I recorded with my friend Andy Valiant, the singer from stoner/ doom metal band Oak who I have often featured on my Musical Meanderings show. We spoke about the issues men have with mental health from our own perspectives, including issues connecting with the feminine, how men and women are interacting at the moment and possible causes of male suicide.
Here is where you can find out more about their music and purchase it:
And their facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oakstoner/
Also during the show I shared some music based mental health news that there is a service for musicians and artists suffering with mental health issues.
Help Musicians UK is the service and I also included their research into some of the causes and results.
Music played during the show:
Malojian – Often Wonder (The Deer’s Cry)
Maneesh De Moor – Bliss (Om Deeksha)
Malojian has a new album ‘Let The Weirdness Carry You Home’ available here:
Let us know what you think of the show
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”
Helpful Organisations
• Brentwood Mind 01277 234246 or brentwoodmind.org.uk
• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or Mind.org.uk
• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: jo@samaritans.org or Samaritans.org
• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or Sane.org.uk
• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) – elefriends.org.uk
• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) : rethink.org
• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or www.youngminds.org.uk
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)
• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or thesilverline.org.uk
• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or thecalmzone.net