Brentwood: currently 12°C, cloudy
high today 12°C, low tonight 9°C
sunrise 07:43, sunset 15:52
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Egg Sheeran and the Yorkshire Farmer

Couldn’t resist this silly story today. Farmer Adrian Potter has been conducting research to find the best music to keep his hens happy and performing at their best. After experimenting with various forms of music including classical, jazz and Justin Bieber, he discovered that they liked Ed Sheeran songs the best. He said the hens love the singer so much they even follow him around when he starts playing Ed Sheeran songs from a portable stereo on the farm. Justin Bieber must be inconsolable. I wonder if they have a Lego hen House?


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Egg Sheeran and the Yorkshire Farmer

Couldn’t resist this silly story today. Farmer Adrian Potter has been conducting research to find the best music to keep his hens happy and performing at their best. After experimenting with various forms of music including classical, jazz and Justin Bieber, he discovered that they liked Ed Sheeran songs the best. He said the hens love the singer so much they even follow him around when he starts playing Ed Sheeran songs from a portable stereo on the farm. Justin Bieber must be inconsolable. I wonder if they have a Lego hen House?


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Egg Sheeran and the Yorkshire Farmer

Couldn’t resist this silly story today. Farmer Adrian Potter has been conducting research to find the best music to keep his hens happy and performing at their best. After experimenting with various forms of music including classical, jazz and Justin Bieber, he discovered that they liked Ed Sheeran songs the best. He said the hens love the singer so much they even follow him around when he starts playing Ed Sheeran songs from a portable stereo on the farm. Justin Bieber must be inconsolable. I wonder if they have a Lego hen House?


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Egg Sheeran and the Yorkshire Farmer

Couldn’t resist this silly story today. Farmer Adrian Potter has been conducting research to find the best music to keep his hens happy and performing at their best. After experimenting with various forms of music including classical, jazz and Justin Bieber, he discovered that they liked Ed Sheeran songs the best. He said the hens love the singer so much they even follow him around when he starts playing Ed Sheeran songs from a portable stereo on the farm. Justin Bieber must be inconsolable. I wonder if they have a Lego hen House?


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