Brentwood: currently 11°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:00, sunset 16:23
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A Bluesy Day At The Farm

This Blues Alldayer is taking place on Saturday 27th June from 2pm until 10.30pm. It’s a fundraiser to keep Blues At The Farm going for another year, and all of the bands are donating their time free of charge.

There will be over 8 hours of blues all under one roof from Bad Influence Duo (Val and Richard), SpikedriverS, Tim Aves & Wolfpack, The Fat Penguins, Joel Fisk And The Breakdown, Guy Tortora, Roy Mette and more special guests yet to be confirmed.

2015-06-23 Roy Hands (Bluesy At The Farm) and Keith Rogers

Roy Hands came in to chat about the event and you can hear his interview below:

Tickets cost just £15 and are available from Del and Colin at BATF or online (with booking fee) at


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A Bluesy Day At The Farm

This Blues Alldayer is taking place on Saturday 27th June from 2pm until 10.30pm. It’s a fundraiser to keep Blues At The Farm going for another year, and all of the bands are donating their time free of charge.

There will be over 8 hours of blues all under one roof from Bad Influence Duo (Val and Richard), SpikedriverS, Tim Aves & Wolfpack, The Fat Penguins, Joel Fisk And The Breakdown, Guy Tortora, Roy Mette and more special guests yet to be confirmed.

2015-06-23 Roy Hands (Bluesy At The Farm) and Keith Rogers

Roy Hands came in to chat about the event and you can hear his interview below:

Tickets cost just £15 and are available from Del and Colin at BATF or online (with booking fee) at


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A Bluesy Day At The Farm

This Blues Alldayer is taking place on Saturday 27th June from 2pm until 10.30pm. It’s a fundraiser to keep Blues At The Farm going for another year, and all of the bands are donating their time free of charge.

There will be over 8 hours of blues all under one roof from Bad Influence Duo (Val and Richard), SpikedriverS, Tim Aves & Wolfpack, The Fat Penguins, Joel Fisk And The Breakdown, Guy Tortora, Roy Mette and more special guests yet to be confirmed.

2015-06-23 Roy Hands (Bluesy At The Farm) and Keith Rogers

Roy Hands came in to chat about the event and you can hear his interview below:

Tickets cost just £15 and are available from Del and Colin at BATF or online (with booking fee) at


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A Bluesy Day At The Farm

This Blues Alldayer is taking place on Saturday 27th June from 2pm until 10.30pm. It’s a fundraiser to keep Blues At The Farm going for another year, and all of the bands are donating their time free of charge.

There will be over 8 hours of blues all under one roof from Bad Influence Duo (Val and Richard), SpikedriverS, Tim Aves & Wolfpack, The Fat Penguins, Joel Fisk And The Breakdown, Guy Tortora, Roy Mette and more special guests yet to be confirmed.

2015-06-23 Roy Hands (Bluesy At The Farm) and Keith Rogers

Roy Hands came in to chat about the event and you can hear his interview below:

Tickets cost just £15 and are available from Del and Colin at BATF or online (with booking fee) at


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