As this is Mental Health Awareness Week each day on Phoenix FM this week we have had different guests in talking about different aspects of Mental Health issues.
Today it was the turn of Lucy Gill, Culture, Community and Youth Development Officer at Brentwood Borough Council, and Lesley Bailey from Interact Chelmsford, talking about Mental Health First Aid.
Until a few days ago I had not even heard the term “Mental Health First Aid” so was keen to learn all about it and… What a great idea it is!
You can listen to our chat here –
If you are interested in taking a Mental Health First Aid Course you can contact Lesley Bailey of Interact Chelmsford on 01245 608307 or email
Interact Chelmsford’s Website is here
If you would like to know more about the Brentwood Community Tree you can download a leaflet about it here
An useful and interesting account of Martin Baker’s experience of a Mental Health First Aid course is contained in his blog- Gum On My Shoe. You can read all about it here
Thanks Martin!