I was once again delighted to be joined by Lord Petre who turned the clock back to the years between 1689 and 1801 to look at the lives of the 7th, 8th and 9th Lord Petres. Unfortunately both the 7th and 8th barons were victims of smallpox and died young – Robert the 7th Baron was just 23 when he died and his son 29; the 10thBaron was more fortunate, living until he was 60.
Listen again to what Lord Petre told me today about his colourful family history by clicking on the link below:
In the second hour of the programme we heard the man who has not been enjoying quite such a colourful existence. Blinded at the age of 7 after being hit on the head with a brick, he was more than a little surprised to be arrested by police for a string of driving offences.
That’s it for me for today. Catch you again tomorrow, I hope,