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Improvements coming to Brentwood High Street

Work is due to start after Christmas on improvements to Brentwood High Street, including repairing cracked and rocking pavements.

Brentwood High Street

The work is due to start on Monday 12 January and should take three weeks, depending on the weather. It is part of the Essex-wide footway maintenance improvement programme, which is aimed at making repairs and improvements to high streets across the county.

In November, Essex Highways made temporary repairs to the pavement in Brentwood High Street to make it safe. The permanent work was deferred until after Christmas to limit disruption to shoppers and businesses over the festive period.

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Improvements coming to Brentwood High Street

Work is due to start after Christmas on improvements to Brentwood High Street, including repairing cracked and rocking pavements.

Brentwood High Street

The work is due to start on Monday 12 January and should take three weeks, depending on the weather. It is part of the Essex-wide footway maintenance improvement programme, which is aimed at making repairs and improvements to high streets across the county.

In November, Essex Highways made temporary repairs to the pavement in Brentwood High Street to make it safe. The permanent work was deferred until after Christmas to limit disruption to shoppers and businesses over the festive period.

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Improvements coming to Brentwood High Street

Work is due to start after Christmas on improvements to Brentwood High Street, including repairing cracked and rocking pavements.

Brentwood High Street

The work is due to start on Monday 12 January and should take three weeks, depending on the weather. It is part of the Essex-wide footway maintenance improvement programme, which is aimed at making repairs and improvements to high streets across the county.

In November, Essex Highways made temporary repairs to the pavement in Brentwood High Street to make it safe. The permanent work was deferred until after Christmas to limit disruption to shoppers and businesses over the festive period.

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Improvements coming to Brentwood High Street

Work is due to start after Christmas on improvements to Brentwood High Street, including repairing cracked and rocking pavements.

Brentwood High Street

The work is due to start on Monday 12 January and should take three weeks, depending on the weather. It is part of the Essex-wide footway maintenance improvement programme, which is aimed at making repairs and improvements to high streets across the county.

In November, Essex Highways made temporary repairs to the pavement in Brentwood High Street to make it safe. The permanent work was deferred until after Christmas to limit disruption to shoppers and businesses over the festive period.

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