Good news everyone! THE MEGADUDES finally made it over to Brentwood having cancelled an earlier appearance due to The Snow.

Chris, Adam, Kyle and Joe played two songs for us live and we had a chat about where the band came from and where they were going, music-wise, and also managed to reminisce about old bands in general, including two favourites of mine, The Senseless Things and Mega City Four, which put us in danger of trashing the rest of the show. If you want to hear more about them have a look at their Facebook page or see the videos below:
Album of the week: Cowboy Racer – Love STatiOnaRY

Salad were one of many great bands to come out of the mid-90s but never really got the recognition they deserve – and to be honest that ain’t going to start now, since they split up after the release of their excellent second album, Ice Cream, in 1997. Lead singer Marijne van der Vlugt former a new band, Cowboy Racer, in 2006 and have FINALLY got round to releasing their debut album, Love STatiOnaRY, which came out on 3 January and is on sale at Amazon.
Lots of good news but some sad news too – Trish Keenan, frontwoman of Broadcast, has passed away from pneumonia at the extremely untimely age of 42. Broadcast were another the great bands to come out of the mid-90s and someone I gave a lot of airplay to on my early radio shows on Phoenix FM.
Tonight’s playlist:
Milk Kan – Junk Shop
Cowboy Racer – Fly My Plane
British Sea Power – Mongk II
Monmon – Leeds Brig
Broadcast – Lunch Hour Pops
Asobi Seksu – Fluorescence
Wind-Up Birds – Some Slum Clearances
At The Drive-In – One Armed Scissor
Cowboy Racer – Cowboy Disco
Fixers – Iron Deer
Islington Boys’ Club – Plastic
Hattie Murdoch – Submarine
Midway Still – It Ain’t Right
LIVE: Megadudes – The Ballad Of Terry McGann
Le Corps Mince De Francoise – Future Me
LIVE: Megadudes – Mrs Radbone
Senseless Things – Everybody’s Gone
Jellyfish – The King Is Half-Undressed
Broadcast – Man Is Not A Bird
Kate Bush – Big Stripey Lie
Cowboy Racer – Love STatiOnaRY
Brother – Darling Buds Of May
Fiona Bevan – Us And The Darkness
Long Blondes – Giddy Stratospheres