Stuart Short of Basildon Mind (Community hub on Wednesday in Billericay.)
Tells us the main difference between the national mind to local mind groups, informs us of services that your local mind offers & speaks of how key social interaction is for wellbeing.
Walking football is one of the biggest growing sports in the UK!
Bill Sedgwick of Billericay Town Walking football Groups, helps dispel the myths of what people think walking football is about. As Bill says ‘you Go on the pitch smiling and and come off the pitch smiling, having fun, playing football,
‘Get the same enjoyment at 50’s, 60s, 70’s as you did when you were in your teens.’
Stroll don’t run walking football tournament – In Support of Mind Basildon
Walking football tournament taking place on TUESDAY 26th March 10.00am at
Billericay new lodge – 13 teams taking part – came along and support the event.
Billericays Walking Football Club

Walking Football Tournament – Billericay New Lodge

Basildon Mind 2024 Events