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sunrise 07:51, sunset 16:28
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Drive – educator, voice artist, entertainer and one half of Lea & Lulu!

Local, Leanne Herring a video content creator, voice artist, entertainer & educator joined Jo who threw quick fire questions at both Leanne & Lazy Lulu who was taking a nap!

Leanne teaches kids phonics, and provides a free online YouTube channel for kids/parents/teachers. She also has a Busy Bug series of books/videos

Lea & Lulu’s Channel

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Educator, entertainer Leanne Herring & Lulu
Jo Bailey

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Drive – educator, voice artist, entertainer and one half of Lea & Lulu!

Local, Leanne Herring a video content creator, voice artist, entertainer & educator joined Jo who threw quick fire questions at both Leanne & Lazy Lulu who was taking a nap!

Leanne teaches kids phonics, and provides a free online YouTube channel for kids/parents/teachers. She also has a Busy Bug series of books/videos

Lea & Lulu’s Channel

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Educator, entertainer Leanne Herring & Lulu
Jo Bailey

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Drive – educator, voice artist, entertainer and one half of Lea & Lulu!

Local, Leanne Herring a video content creator, voice artist, entertainer & educator joined Jo who threw quick fire questions at both Leanne & Lazy Lulu who was taking a nap!

Leanne teaches kids phonics, and provides a free online YouTube channel for kids/parents/teachers. She also has a Busy Bug series of books/videos

Lea & Lulu’s Channel

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Educator, entertainer Leanne Herring & Lulu
Jo Bailey

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Drive – educator, voice artist, entertainer and one half of Lea & Lulu!

Local, Leanne Herring a video content creator, voice artist, entertainer & educator joined Jo who threw quick fire questions at both Leanne & Lazy Lulu who was taking a nap!

Leanne teaches kids phonics, and provides a free online YouTube channel for kids/parents/teachers. She also has a Busy Bug series of books/videos

Lea & Lulu’s Channel

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Educator, entertainer Leanne Herring & Lulu
Jo Bailey

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