One 2 Three
Patrick Sherring

Ian and Fiona from BSCWT said how great it was to be back working in 24+ primary sector schools and 6 secondary schools. The schools had been very appreciative on the on-line material provided during the pandemic, but welcomed back BSCWT staff for their five key activities in schools. These are assemblies, lessons, pupil support, lunch-time clubs and prayer spaces. They have 7 staff and 40-50 volunteers who work in a wide range of roles. BSCWT has a history of engagement with local schools stretching back thirty years. Ian talked about the ‘It’s your move ‘ project that they have just begun in 24 schools with Year 6 pupils. This helps the children acknowledge their hopes and anxieties around moving schools though looking at the parable told by Jesus of two builders. One builder built a house on sand. The other on rock. The interactive sessions end with each pupil being given an Its your move booklet, funded by local churches. Fiona talked about LifeSpace. This is a careers-related project Fiona is running with year 10 students later in the year. More information about BSCWT can be found at www.bscwt.org This includes information about how to become involved as a volunteer or supporter.
We heard from Tim, listening in Nottingham and Chris in Harlow, both interested in the information provided by Ian and Fiona.
Tim Lee also popped in to tell us about the Pet’s service happening on Sunday 29th at 3.30 at Buttsbury church, Stock Lane, Ingatestone.
Diana Ross – Turn up the sunshine. A new release by Diana, who will be performing at the Platinum Jubilee concert on June 4th at Buckingham Palace.
Crosby, Stills & Nash – Teach your children. From the 1970 album – Deja Vu. Number 220 in the Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Albums of all time.
Lauren Diagle – You say – chosen by Fiona. She feels that the lyrics show that when you have something very hard to undertake, you do not have to do it on your own. This track was awarded the 2019 Grammy Award for the best Christian performance and song.
Curtis Mayfield – Move on up – Ian noted this track clearly resonates with the Its your move project.
Paul Simon – Call me Al – Ian chose this track as it always makes his grand-daughter dance.
Friday Teaser.
Stevie Nicks celebrated her 74th birthday. All those taking part in the competition found this hard to believe, including Ian in the studio who had seen her perform live a couple of years before the pandemic. We hear the Fleetwood Mac track from Rumours – Dreams.
Above, Paul Weller in the 1970s.
Below, Paul Weller’s 2022 tour.
Paul Weller celebrated his 64th birthday. We heard the 2005 track – Here’s the good news.
Heidi Range, formerly a singer in the Sugababes, was recently 39 years old. We heard the Sugababes 2002 track – Stronger.
There were no correct answers this week. Chris from Guildford, who contacted us from the Teddington services on the M1, was the closest with all three answers.
Thanks also to Chris and Bob in Harlow and Ian and Fiona in the studio for taking part.
Walker Brothers – Make it easy on yourself. Requested by Patrick in Ingatestone.
Gerry Rafferty – Get it right next time. Chris suggested I should play this track every week after the quiz.
Neilson – Without you.
Chart this week in
No 1. Beatles and Billy Preston – Get back. No 1 in the UK, USA and 12 more countries.
No 3. Fleetwood Mac – Man of the world – In 2019 the band played this track live in a concert for the first time in fifty years.
No 16 Bob & Earl – Harlem Shuffle. This track had been recorded in 1963. George Harrison said it was his favourite track of all time.
Tony Bennett & Dian Krall – The best is yet to come.
The Shop window – Eyes wide shut. Released today.
Sam Ryder – Spaceman
Join me next Friday for our live Platinum Jubilee special.
Guest Gill Beech was married in 1952 and will tell us about life in the 1950s and the celebrations for the coronation in 1953 in Ingatestone.