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I’m setting off from Land’s End on Friday, April 1 to raise money for Saint Francis Hospice!
Starting in Cornwall, I’ll be aiming to walk up to six hours a day as I make a 12-week and approximately 950-mile journey across the whole length of the Great Britain to my final destination, John O’Groats in Scotland.
Everyone talks about the benefits of walking. The peace and quiet is good for your wellbeing and you always feel great after a long walk. About 10 years ago, I was having problems with my arms and legs. My joints would stiffen up and I found walking fixed it. I started walking for an hour a day and it just got easier and easier. I still really enjoy walking and I make sure I get my 10,000 steps a day.
Walking from Lands End to John O’Groats is a much bigger challenge than that though, but it’s something I’ve always been interested in. I’ve read blogs from people who’ve done challenges like this and it really inspired me. I wanted to be able to do something like this at least once in my life and the time is probably right to do it now.
A few of my friends will even be joining me for a few days along the route and Bennetts Funeral Directors has been incredibly generous and will be supporting my accommodation along the way.
Walking south to north seems like the right way round to me – you’re not walking into the sun and you have the prevailing winds pushing you along. Plus Land’s End is 150 feet above sea level, and John O’Groats is only 5 feet above sea level, so by my reckoning that means it’s downhill all the way.
Follow my Facebook page for updates – it’s at www.facebook.com/lejog2022