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Martin Edwards on Drivetime

Joining me live in the studio was Martin Edwards local entrepreneur who has a book Ultimate Survivor coming out in November about his life. We chatted about his experiences growing up, his mental health, and his time in the Special Forces and where it led him to (we just skimmed the surface you’ll need to read the book for the juicy bits). This is a very interesting interview with a guy who through a lot of negativity in his life has created such a positive outcome. Listen back below and get a audio preview to what will be a very compelling book.

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Martin Edwards on Drivetime
Ian Leigh

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Martin Edwards on Drivetime

Joining me live in the studio was Martin Edwards local entrepreneur who has a book Ultimate Survivor coming out in November about his life. We chatted about his experiences growing up, his mental health, and his time in the Special Forces and where it led him to (we just skimmed the surface you’ll need to read the book for the juicy bits). This is a very interesting interview with a guy who through a lot of negativity in his life has created such a positive outcome. Listen back below and get a audio preview to what will be a very compelling book.

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P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Martin Edwards on Drivetime
Ian Leigh

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Martin Edwards on Drivetime

Joining me live in the studio was Martin Edwards local entrepreneur who has a book Ultimate Survivor coming out in November about his life. We chatted about his experiences growing up, his mental health, and his time in the Special Forces and where it led him to (we just skimmed the surface you’ll need to read the book for the juicy bits). This is a very interesting interview with a guy who through a lot of negativity in his life has created such a positive outcome. Listen back below and get a audio preview to what will be a very compelling book.

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P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Martin Edwards on Drivetime
Ian Leigh

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Martin Edwards on Drivetime

Joining me live in the studio was Martin Edwards local entrepreneur who has a book Ultimate Survivor coming out in November about his life. We chatted about his experiences growing up, his mental health, and his time in the Special Forces and where it led him to (we just skimmed the surface you’ll need to read the book for the juicy bits). This is a very interesting interview with a guy who through a lot of negativity in his life has created such a positive outcome. Listen back below and get a audio preview to what will be a very compelling book.

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P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Martin Edwards on Drivetime
Ian Leigh

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