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Billericay’s Boots2Africa – Iain Finch

Phoenix FM presenter Bob Simpson has lead an appeal in Billericay for used football boots and sports shoes to send to underprivileged children in Africa via the Boots2Africa campaign.
Iain Finch is the founder of Boots2Africa and Bob was very pleased to welcome Iain to the Phoenix FM studios to hand over the latest batch of 100+ boots donated by the good people of Billericay and B.A.R.K (Billericay Acts of Random Kindness)

Bob and Iain Finch with just a few of the boots!


Millions of children across Africa, have no shoes, for school, life and playing games. Disease, infections and snakebites kill thousands and injure and incapacitate many others every year.
Boots2Africa collects, transports and distributes donated boots to Africa’s children and young adults through relief organisations.

You can listen to our chat here –

Bob would like to add his thanks to the people of Billericay who over the last few months have donated over 120 pairs of boots and sport shoes as well as a good deal of kit. The donation point is still there in Billericay outside 9 Burleigh Close CM12 0YG so if you do have any good condition Boots or sports shoes or sports kit that your children have grown out of please continue to donate.

More boots and kit!

The Boots2Africa website is here

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Billericay’s Boots2Africa – Iain Finch

Phoenix FM presenter Bob Simpson has lead an appeal in Billericay for used football boots and sports shoes to send to underprivileged children in Africa via the Boots2Africa campaign.
Iain Finch is the founder of Boots2Africa and Bob was very pleased to welcome Iain to the Phoenix FM studios to hand over the latest batch of 100+ boots donated by the good people of Billericay and B.A.R.K (Billericay Acts of Random Kindness)

Bob and Iain Finch with just a few of the boots!


Millions of children across Africa, have no shoes, for school, life and playing games. Disease, infections and snakebites kill thousands and injure and incapacitate many others every year.
Boots2Africa collects, transports and distributes donated boots to Africa’s children and young adults through relief organisations.

You can listen to our chat here –

Bob would like to add his thanks to the people of Billericay who over the last few months have donated over 120 pairs of boots and sport shoes as well as a good deal of kit. The donation point is still there in Billericay outside 9 Burleigh Close CM12 0YG so if you do have any good condition Boots or sports shoes or sports kit that your children have grown out of please continue to donate.

More boots and kit!

The Boots2Africa website is here

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Billericay’s Boots2Africa – Iain Finch

Phoenix FM presenter Bob Simpson has lead an appeal in Billericay for used football boots and sports shoes to send to underprivileged children in Africa via the Boots2Africa campaign.
Iain Finch is the founder of Boots2Africa and Bob was very pleased to welcome Iain to the Phoenix FM studios to hand over the latest batch of 100+ boots donated by the good people of Billericay and B.A.R.K (Billericay Acts of Random Kindness)

Bob and Iain Finch with just a few of the boots!


Millions of children across Africa, have no shoes, for school, life and playing games. Disease, infections and snakebites kill thousands and injure and incapacitate many others every year.
Boots2Africa collects, transports and distributes donated boots to Africa’s children and young adults through relief organisations.

You can listen to our chat here –

Bob would like to add his thanks to the people of Billericay who over the last few months have donated over 120 pairs of boots and sport shoes as well as a good deal of kit. The donation point is still there in Billericay outside 9 Burleigh Close CM12 0YG so if you do have any good condition Boots or sports shoes or sports kit that your children have grown out of please continue to donate.

More boots and kit!

The Boots2Africa website is here

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Billericay’s Boots2Africa – Iain Finch

Phoenix FM presenter Bob Simpson has lead an appeal in Billericay for used football boots and sports shoes to send to underprivileged children in Africa via the Boots2Africa campaign.
Iain Finch is the founder of Boots2Africa and Bob was very pleased to welcome Iain to the Phoenix FM studios to hand over the latest batch of 100+ boots donated by the good people of Billericay and B.A.R.K (Billericay Acts of Random Kindness)

Bob and Iain Finch with just a few of the boots!


Millions of children across Africa, have no shoes, for school, life and playing games. Disease, infections and snakebites kill thousands and injure and incapacitate many others every year.
Boots2Africa collects, transports and distributes donated boots to Africa’s children and young adults through relief organisations.

You can listen to our chat here –

Bob would like to add his thanks to the people of Billericay who over the last few months have donated over 120 pairs of boots and sport shoes as well as a good deal of kit. The donation point is still there in Billericay outside 9 Burleigh Close CM12 0YG so if you do have any good condition Boots or sports shoes or sports kit that your children have grown out of please continue to donate.

More boots and kit!

The Boots2Africa website is here

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