Friday means movies with our resident film guru, Mark Searby…
In the cinema this week: Ready Player One – Sci-Fi from Steven Spielberg that, on the face of it, could be the plot to “Tron”, but has a lot more to offer… Isle of Dogs set in the near-future of Japan and involves a search for a dog – yes, really! With an ensemble cast including Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton and Jeff Goldblum, you wonder how this was made for *only* $1.9m.
Click the player for Mark’s opinions on these 2 cinema offerings…
Available to buy on Blu-ray/DVD are Justice League : Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg etc. There’s a LOT of Bruce Wayne (he’s Batman, you know). Wonder tells the story of a young boy, played by Jacob Tremblay, who has Treacher Collins Syndrome. Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson play his parents and the film deals with a child trying to “fit it”.
Click the player to hear Mark’s thoughts on these 2 films…
Mark’s even got 3D ‘specs!
There’s more from Mark next Friday at 3:30pm – and if you have Twitter, he’s worth a follow for regular film recommendations and the occasional giveaway/competition.