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Standon Calling 2017: Tangerines

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Fresh from their performance at the Laundry Meadows stage on Saturday, we had a chat with Gareth, Isaac, Miles and Ricky, otherwise known as London band Tangerines.

Tangerine 20170729_163422

The band were fully refreshed and in high spirits as they told us about their new album, “Into The Flophouse”, their exciting forays into darkest Essex and their unusual sources of inspiration.

You can buy the new album and find out what the band are up to by following their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: Tangerines

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Fresh from their performance at the Laundry Meadows stage on Saturday, we had a chat with Gareth, Isaac, Miles and Ricky, otherwise known as London band Tangerines.

Tangerine 20170729_163422

The band were fully refreshed and in high spirits as they told us about their new album, “Into The Flophouse”, their exciting forays into darkest Essex and their unusual sources of inspiration.

You can buy the new album and find out what the band are up to by following their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: Tangerines

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Fresh from their performance at the Laundry Meadows stage on Saturday, we had a chat with Gareth, Isaac, Miles and Ricky, otherwise known as London band Tangerines.

Tangerine 20170729_163422

The band were fully refreshed and in high spirits as they told us about their new album, “Into The Flophouse”, their exciting forays into darkest Essex and their unusual sources of inspiration.

You can buy the new album and find out what the band are up to by following their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: Tangerines

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Fresh from their performance at the Laundry Meadows stage on Saturday, we had a chat with Gareth, Isaac, Miles and Ricky, otherwise known as London band Tangerines.

Tangerine 20170729_163422

The band were fully refreshed and in high spirits as they told us about their new album, “Into The Flophouse”, their exciting forays into darkest Essex and their unusual sources of inspiration.

You can buy the new album and find out what the band are up to by following their official Facebook page.

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