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Club Drive – Phoenix FM at Standon Calling 2017

Early on Friday at Standon Calling and having a pleasant wander around the Standon Calling festival. We arrived at the main stage and it was great to be able to grab a conversation with Club Drive, a young pop/funk/rock band from Hertfordshire.

2017-07-28 12.57.01

They are looking forward to playing at a local festival and connecting with their audience here. I asked them how they met, how much they enjoy the artists that inspired them and how they’ve enjoyed touring around the UK.

They have a new single and video released today called ‘International’. Let’s hope that it will help them manifest adventures further afield.

You can hear the conversation here:

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Club Drive – Phoenix FM at Standon Calling 2017

Early on Friday at Standon Calling and having a pleasant wander around the Standon Calling festival. We arrived at the main stage and it was great to be able to grab a conversation with Club Drive, a young pop/funk/rock band from Hertfordshire.

2017-07-28 12.57.01

They are looking forward to playing at a local festival and connecting with their audience here. I asked them how they met, how much they enjoy the artists that inspired them and how they’ve enjoyed touring around the UK.

They have a new single and video released today called ‘International’. Let’s hope that it will help them manifest adventures further afield.

You can hear the conversation here:

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Club Drive – Phoenix FM at Standon Calling 2017

Early on Friday at Standon Calling and having a pleasant wander around the Standon Calling festival. We arrived at the main stage and it was great to be able to grab a conversation with Club Drive, a young pop/funk/rock band from Hertfordshire.

2017-07-28 12.57.01

They are looking forward to playing at a local festival and connecting with their audience here. I asked them how they met, how much they enjoy the artists that inspired them and how they’ve enjoyed touring around the UK.

They have a new single and video released today called ‘International’. Let’s hope that it will help them manifest adventures further afield.

You can hear the conversation here:

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Club Drive – Phoenix FM at Standon Calling 2017

Early on Friday at Standon Calling and having a pleasant wander around the Standon Calling festival. We arrived at the main stage and it was great to be able to grab a conversation with Club Drive, a young pop/funk/rock band from Hertfordshire.

2017-07-28 12.57.01

They are looking forward to playing at a local festival and connecting with their audience here. I asked them how they met, how much they enjoy the artists that inspired them and how they’ve enjoyed touring around the UK.

They have a new single and video released today called ‘International’. Let’s hope that it will help them manifest adventures further afield.

You can hear the conversation here:

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