Brentwood: currently 10°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 7°C
sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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Atlantic Starr - Secret Lovers
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You could sustain…

…or are you comfortable with the pain?

You’ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness –

You got yourself into your own mess!

These were the lines from the song I asked if you could identify in this week’s Word Up! teaser.*

As well as that the music on this week’s show was as diverse as ever – including songs by recently formed East London band Pumarosa, The Divine Comedy’s latest single and Born to Run – following an interesting interview Bruce Springsteen gave Channel 4 News during the week about his take on the US Presidential Election.

*Word Up! was Hold On by Wilson Phillips, which was nominated at the 1991 Grammies for Song of the Year:

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You could sustain…

…or are you comfortable with the pain?

You’ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness –

You got yourself into your own mess!

These were the lines from the song I asked if you could identify in this week’s Word Up! teaser.*

As well as that the music on this week’s show was as diverse as ever – including songs by recently formed East London band Pumarosa, The Divine Comedy’s latest single and Born to Run – following an interesting interview Bruce Springsteen gave Channel 4 News during the week about his take on the US Presidential Election.

*Word Up! was Hold On by Wilson Phillips, which was nominated at the 1991 Grammies for Song of the Year:

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You could sustain…

…or are you comfortable with the pain?

You’ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness –

You got yourself into your own mess!

These were the lines from the song I asked if you could identify in this week’s Word Up! teaser.*

As well as that the music on this week’s show was as diverse as ever – including songs by recently formed East London band Pumarosa, The Divine Comedy’s latest single and Born to Run – following an interesting interview Bruce Springsteen gave Channel 4 News during the week about his take on the US Presidential Election.

*Word Up! was Hold On by Wilson Phillips, which was nominated at the 1991 Grammies for Song of the Year:

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You could sustain…

…or are you comfortable with the pain?

You’ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness –

You got yourself into your own mess!

These were the lines from the song I asked if you could identify in this week’s Word Up! teaser.*

As well as that the music on this week’s show was as diverse as ever – including songs by recently formed East London band Pumarosa, The Divine Comedy’s latest single and Born to Run – following an interesting interview Bruce Springsteen gave Channel 4 News during the week about his take on the US Presidential Election.

*Word Up! was Hold On by Wilson Phillips, which was nominated at the 1991 Grammies for Song of the Year:

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