On a very cold June evening in Brentwood I was joined in the studio by Harry, Helen and Richard. The are part of the bell ringing team at Ingatestone Parish Church. Richard and Helen had met through a university bell ringing group. Richard told us about the history of bell ringing. They all said how much they enjoyed bell ringing. There is also a social side, with ringers becoming a group of friends. Groups of ringers often go to ring at different towers and enjoy experiencing different sets of bells and amazing buildings. Richard said that you never stop learning about ringing. However it was felt that to ring in a parish church could be learnt, with practice, in about a month. You just need to be able to count. Bells can be rung for a number of reasons at church. At Ingatestone they are not only rung on Sundays. They are also rung for weddings and occasionally for funerals. They are also rung on the annual Victorian evening. On July 1st they will be rung to mark the death of a soldier at the Battle of the Somme. More information can be found about bell ringing from the Essex Association of Changer Ringers, www.eacr.org.uk or from the Central Council of Bell Ringers www.cccbr.org.uk Richard also suggested that you could contact any parish church or just turn up any Sunday morning. Helen in Rhodes contacted via Facebook to say her parents had both been bell ringers and it had given them a great deal of pleasure throughout their lives.
Jonty was back with us tonight and shared a few stories. His favourite was about the policeman who went to calm a disturbance in a bar in Glasgow. Having calmed the situation he then joined in the karaoke, giving an enthusiastic rendition of ‘I will survive’, complete with dance movements. We all felt we needed more policemen like that. We also had an appreciation of TV comedy writer Carla Lane, who died this week. Listeners said they loved her ‘gentle comedy with a hard edge’.
Tonight’s playlist
Booker T & MGs – Crazy – show theme
The Band Perry – All your life
Pharrell Williams – Happy – chosen by Harry
Bon Jovi – Bells of freedom – loved by Chris and e-mailing to tell us all the family were singing along.
Elvis Presley – The wonder of you – chosen by Helen for Richard.
The Browns – The three bells – a hit in 1959.
Paul Carrick – Sleep on it
Maddie Prior & the Carnival Band – He who would valiant be – requested by Phyl
Elton John – Candle in the wind
Joe Stilgoe – Abracadabra
Brian Wilson Band – Good vibrations live
Tribute to Carla Lane. Theme tunes from Liverbirds, Butterflies & Bread.
All Angels – Send in the clowns – requested by Patrick
Pink Floyd – Money – with the release of a set of stamps to celebrate the 50 years of the band. loved by Lee.
Joe Cocker – Ring them bells. A song by Bob Dylan.
Rolling Stones – My only girl – a very early Stones track played as Ronnie Wood has become a father again, of twins, at the age of 68 years. Ronnie Wood had written the track.
Adele – Hello – played because of the news that one in six of albums bought world wide in 2015 were produced by British artists.
Joan Baez & The Indigo Girls – Don’t think twice its alright – Another Bob Dylan song. listeners noticed a resemblance to Ralph McTell’s Streets of London.
Ed Sheeran – Thinking out loud – chosen by Jonty for his Mum’s birthday the next day. She heard the track whilst listening in the car.
Van Morrison & Georgie Fame – Get on with the show – having heard it Adrian noted he would go and buy the album. The power of radio.
George Martin – Theme 1 – closing theme
I will not be with you next week. Join me in two weeks time.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/RenH/phoenix-98-fm-friday-night-extra-with-patrick-sherring-3-june-2016-ft-the-saddleton-family/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]