Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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It’s all in the fine print!

On what was for me a bonus show this week, we heard all about the parking attendant who parked on a double yellow line whilst ticketing another illegally parked vehicle.


Clearly there’s one rule for some and another for the rest of us.

And in this case amazingly, that turns out to be true – traffic wardens are allowed to park their vehicles on double yellow lines whilst they are working.

Think I need to get one of their uniforms to keep in the car.

We also heard about the tenant, who after discovering that the landlord had sent his lease agreement on line, as a word document, as opposed to a “locked” pdf file, added a clause to require the landlord to supply his tenants with birthday cakes on their birthdays.

birthday cake

Now that is cheeky!

See you next week.

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It’s all in the fine print!

On what was for me a bonus show this week, we heard all about the parking attendant who parked on a double yellow line whilst ticketing another illegally parked vehicle.


Clearly there’s one rule for some and another for the rest of us.

And in this case amazingly, that turns out to be true – traffic wardens are allowed to park their vehicles on double yellow lines whilst they are working.

Think I need to get one of their uniforms to keep in the car.

We also heard about the tenant, who after discovering that the landlord had sent his lease agreement on line, as a word document, as opposed to a “locked” pdf file, added a clause to require the landlord to supply his tenants with birthday cakes on their birthdays.

birthday cake

Now that is cheeky!

See you next week.

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It’s all in the fine print!

On what was for me a bonus show this week, we heard all about the parking attendant who parked on a double yellow line whilst ticketing another illegally parked vehicle.


Clearly there’s one rule for some and another for the rest of us.

And in this case amazingly, that turns out to be true – traffic wardens are allowed to park their vehicles on double yellow lines whilst they are working.

Think I need to get one of their uniforms to keep in the car.

We also heard about the tenant, who after discovering that the landlord had sent his lease agreement on line, as a word document, as opposed to a “locked” pdf file, added a clause to require the landlord to supply his tenants with birthday cakes on their birthdays.

birthday cake

Now that is cheeky!

See you next week.

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It’s all in the fine print!

On what was for me a bonus show this week, we heard all about the parking attendant who parked on a double yellow line whilst ticketing another illegally parked vehicle.


Clearly there’s one rule for some and another for the rest of us.

And in this case amazingly, that turns out to be true – traffic wardens are allowed to park their vehicles on double yellow lines whilst they are working.

Think I need to get one of their uniforms to keep in the car.

We also heard about the tenant, who after discovering that the landlord had sent his lease agreement on line, as a word document, as opposed to a “locked” pdf file, added a clause to require the landlord to supply his tenants with birthday cakes on their birthdays.

birthday cake

Now that is cheeky!

See you next week.

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