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It’s my party

wedding-chechnya-rulesWe discovered today that believe it or not, it is now illegal to cut a wedding cake in the Russian Republic of Chechnya. Not only that but the bride is not allowed to dance at all and other guests, “tripping the light fantastic”, will have to do so at arms length! What’s worse your party could even be gatecrashed by government minders, just to make sure that the new regulations are being fully adhered to.

There’s now talk of extending the rules to cover other celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries. Sounds like fun!

The Plague

And also taking a black view on things, Margaret Mills’ subject today was about how the arrival of the Black Death took its toll on the inhabitants of Colchester. Listen again to what Margaret said by clicking on the link below: –

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It’s my party

wedding-chechnya-rulesWe discovered today that believe it or not, it is now illegal to cut a wedding cake in the Russian Republic of Chechnya. Not only that but the bride is not allowed to dance at all and other guests, “tripping the light fantastic”, will have to do so at arms length! What’s worse your party could even be gatecrashed by government minders, just to make sure that the new regulations are being fully adhered to.

There’s now talk of extending the rules to cover other celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries. Sounds like fun!

The Plague

And also taking a black view on things, Margaret Mills’ subject today was about how the arrival of the Black Death took its toll on the inhabitants of Colchester. Listen again to what Margaret said by clicking on the link below: –

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It’s my party

wedding-chechnya-rulesWe discovered today that believe it or not, it is now illegal to cut a wedding cake in the Russian Republic of Chechnya. Not only that but the bride is not allowed to dance at all and other guests, “tripping the light fantastic”, will have to do so at arms length! What’s worse your party could even be gatecrashed by government minders, just to make sure that the new regulations are being fully adhered to.

There’s now talk of extending the rules to cover other celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries. Sounds like fun!

The Plague

And also taking a black view on things, Margaret Mills’ subject today was about how the arrival of the Black Death took its toll on the inhabitants of Colchester. Listen again to what Margaret said by clicking on the link below: –

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It’s my party

wedding-chechnya-rulesWe discovered today that believe it or not, it is now illegal to cut a wedding cake in the Russian Republic of Chechnya. Not only that but the bride is not allowed to dance at all and other guests, “tripping the light fantastic”, will have to do so at arms length! What’s worse your party could even be gatecrashed by government minders, just to make sure that the new regulations are being fully adhered to.

There’s now talk of extending the rules to cover other celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries. Sounds like fun!

The Plague

And also taking a black view on things, Margaret Mills’ subject today was about how the arrival of the Black Death took its toll on the inhabitants of Colchester. Listen again to what Margaret said by clicking on the link below: –

See you again next week,

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