Brentwood: currently 2°C, cloudy
high today 5°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:19, sunset 17:06
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Was Rake a pirate?

Essex PiratesMargaret Mills popped by today to relate tales of the pirates of old who used to ply their trade along the many remote creeks and back waters which make up the Essex coast. Listen again to what Margaret told me by clicking on the link below: –

BN_GardenRakeCausesArmedResponse_02.jpgWe also heard about the man who was peacefully raking over his garden only to be swooped on by a detachment of armed police officers, backed up by a helicopter because someone had mistaken his garden rake for a weapon of some kind.

Right I’ll see you again next Monday in the meantime I’m off to Harwich for a bit of “piracy” of my own – radio “piracy” that is,

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Was Rake a pirate?

Essex PiratesMargaret Mills popped by today to relate tales of the pirates of old who used to ply their trade along the many remote creeks and back waters which make up the Essex coast. Listen again to what Margaret told me by clicking on the link below: –

BN_GardenRakeCausesArmedResponse_02.jpgWe also heard about the man who was peacefully raking over his garden only to be swooped on by a detachment of armed police officers, backed up by a helicopter because someone had mistaken his garden rake for a weapon of some kind.

Right I’ll see you again next Monday in the meantime I’m off to Harwich for a bit of “piracy” of my own – radio “piracy” that is,

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Was Rake a pirate?

Essex PiratesMargaret Mills popped by today to relate tales of the pirates of old who used to ply their trade along the many remote creeks and back waters which make up the Essex coast. Listen again to what Margaret told me by clicking on the link below: –

BN_GardenRakeCausesArmedResponse_02.jpgWe also heard about the man who was peacefully raking over his garden only to be swooped on by a detachment of armed police officers, backed up by a helicopter because someone had mistaken his garden rake for a weapon of some kind.

Right I’ll see you again next Monday in the meantime I’m off to Harwich for a bit of “piracy” of my own – radio “piracy” that is,

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Was Rake a pirate?

Essex PiratesMargaret Mills popped by today to relate tales of the pirates of old who used to ply their trade along the many remote creeks and back waters which make up the Essex coast. Listen again to what Margaret told me by clicking on the link below: –

BN_GardenRakeCausesArmedResponse_02.jpgWe also heard about the man who was peacefully raking over his garden only to be swooped on by a detachment of armed police officers, backed up by a helicopter because someone had mistaken his garden rake for a weapon of some kind.

Right I’ll see you again next Monday in the meantime I’m off to Harwich for a bit of “piracy” of my own – radio “piracy” that is,

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