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Is 30 years out of date?

I guess we all treat “sell by” and “use by dates” with a bit of flexibility  – but you might think twice when something is 30 years out of date.

making hot chocolate drink. Image shot 2008. Exact date unknown.

Well apparently a 77-year old Italian grandmother did not think twice when she gave her grandchildren, and their friends some hot chocolate that she bought in the mid 1980’s. Unsurprisingly they all ended up in hospital and the grandmother may also now be charged with a criminal offence. Perhaps she’ll read the label next time!

It was good to welcome back MARGARET MILLS to the studio today when she explained how to trace any ancestors you might have, wworkhouseho may have been unfortunate enough to have landed in the horror that was the workhouse.

Listen again to what Margaret said on this subject by clicking on the link below:-

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Is 30 years out of date?

I guess we all treat “sell by” and “use by dates” with a bit of flexibility  – but you might think twice when something is 30 years out of date.

making hot chocolate drink. Image shot 2008. Exact date unknown.

Well apparently a 77-year old Italian grandmother did not think twice when she gave her grandchildren, and their friends some hot chocolate that she bought in the mid 1980’s. Unsurprisingly they all ended up in hospital and the grandmother may also now be charged with a criminal offence. Perhaps she’ll read the label next time!

It was good to welcome back MARGARET MILLS to the studio today when she explained how to trace any ancestors you might have, wworkhouseho may have been unfortunate enough to have landed in the horror that was the workhouse.

Listen again to what Margaret said on this subject by clicking on the link below:-

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Is 30 years out of date?

I guess we all treat “sell by” and “use by dates” with a bit of flexibility  – but you might think twice when something is 30 years out of date.

making hot chocolate drink. Image shot 2008. Exact date unknown.

Well apparently a 77-year old Italian grandmother did not think twice when she gave her grandchildren, and their friends some hot chocolate that she bought in the mid 1980’s. Unsurprisingly they all ended up in hospital and the grandmother may also now be charged with a criminal offence. Perhaps she’ll read the label next time!

It was good to welcome back MARGARET MILLS to the studio today when she explained how to trace any ancestors you might have, wworkhouseho may have been unfortunate enough to have landed in the horror that was the workhouse.

Listen again to what Margaret said on this subject by clicking on the link below:-

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Is 30 years out of date?

I guess we all treat “sell by” and “use by dates” with a bit of flexibility  – but you might think twice when something is 30 years out of date.

making hot chocolate drink. Image shot 2008. Exact date unknown.

Well apparently a 77-year old Italian grandmother did not think twice when she gave her grandchildren, and their friends some hot chocolate that she bought in the mid 1980’s. Unsurprisingly they all ended up in hospital and the grandmother may also now be charged with a criminal offence. Perhaps she’ll read the label next time!

It was good to welcome back MARGARET MILLS to the studio today when she explained how to trace any ancestors you might have, wworkhouseho may have been unfortunate enough to have landed in the horror that was the workhouse.

Listen again to what Margaret said on this subject by clicking on the link below:-

See you again soon,


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