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Lights Out for First World War commemoration

Brentwood Borough Council is joining the national “Lights Out” campaign to mark 100 years since Britain entered World War One – and is asking our local community and businesses to do the same.


“Lights Out” is an invitation by the Royal British Legion for everyone in the UK to turn off their lights between 10pm and 11pm on 4 August 2014 – leaving only a single light or candle for this symbolic act of reflection and hope.

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.
Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, uttered these words on the eve of Britain officially entering the First World War.

The Royal British Legion hope to light one million candles across the UK to remember each and every one of those service men and women who gave their lives in the war to end all wars.

Westminster Abbey will be leading the nation with a candle-lit vigil which will be broadcast live on the BBC.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said: “This is a poignant opportunity for remembrance of the First World War and the sacrifice service men and women made. We are proud to be taking part in ‘Lights Out’ and between 10pm and 11pm on 4th August, a single lit window will be visible at the front of the Town Hall.

“It is a simple but symbolic act and we hope that our residents will join us by leaving on a single light in this shared moment of reflection on what was a significant moment in the history of our country”.

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Lights Out for First World War commemoration

Brentwood Borough Council is joining the national “Lights Out” campaign to mark 100 years since Britain entered World War One – and is asking our local community and businesses to do the same.


“Lights Out” is an invitation by the Royal British Legion for everyone in the UK to turn off their lights between 10pm and 11pm on 4 August 2014 – leaving only a single light or candle for this symbolic act of reflection and hope.

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.
Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, uttered these words on the eve of Britain officially entering the First World War.

The Royal British Legion hope to light one million candles across the UK to remember each and every one of those service men and women who gave their lives in the war to end all wars.

Westminster Abbey will be leading the nation with a candle-lit vigil which will be broadcast live on the BBC.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said: “This is a poignant opportunity for remembrance of the First World War and the sacrifice service men and women made. We are proud to be taking part in ‘Lights Out’ and between 10pm and 11pm on 4th August, a single lit window will be visible at the front of the Town Hall.

“It is a simple but symbolic act and we hope that our residents will join us by leaving on a single light in this shared moment of reflection on what was a significant moment in the history of our country”.

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Lights Out for First World War commemoration

Brentwood Borough Council is joining the national “Lights Out” campaign to mark 100 years since Britain entered World War One – and is asking our local community and businesses to do the same.


“Lights Out” is an invitation by the Royal British Legion for everyone in the UK to turn off their lights between 10pm and 11pm on 4 August 2014 – leaving only a single light or candle for this symbolic act of reflection and hope.

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.
Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, uttered these words on the eve of Britain officially entering the First World War.

The Royal British Legion hope to light one million candles across the UK to remember each and every one of those service men and women who gave their lives in the war to end all wars.

Westminster Abbey will be leading the nation with a candle-lit vigil which will be broadcast live on the BBC.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said: “This is a poignant opportunity for remembrance of the First World War and the sacrifice service men and women made. We are proud to be taking part in ‘Lights Out’ and between 10pm and 11pm on 4th August, a single lit window will be visible at the front of the Town Hall.

“It is a simple but symbolic act and we hope that our residents will join us by leaving on a single light in this shared moment of reflection on what was a significant moment in the history of our country”.

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Lights Out for First World War commemoration

Brentwood Borough Council is joining the national “Lights Out” campaign to mark 100 years since Britain entered World War One – and is asking our local community and businesses to do the same.


“Lights Out” is an invitation by the Royal British Legion for everyone in the UK to turn off their lights between 10pm and 11pm on 4 August 2014 – leaving only a single light or candle for this symbolic act of reflection and hope.

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.
Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, uttered these words on the eve of Britain officially entering the First World War.

The Royal British Legion hope to light one million candles across the UK to remember each and every one of those service men and women who gave their lives in the war to end all wars.

Westminster Abbey will be leading the nation with a candle-lit vigil which will be broadcast live on the BBC.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said: “This is a poignant opportunity for remembrance of the First World War and the sacrifice service men and women made. We are proud to be taking part in ‘Lights Out’ and between 10pm and 11pm on 4th August, a single lit window will be visible at the front of the Town Hall.

“It is a simple but symbolic act and we hope that our residents will join us by leaving on a single light in this shared moment of reflection on what was a significant moment in the history of our country”.

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