Brentwood: currently 7°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
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Mrs Brentwood and the 2014 Festivals

The lovely Laurie Edmonds popped in to see Mike today and brought exciting news about this years Brentwood Arts Festival and Brentwood Festival itself


The Arts festival begins on 5th July and will run for a week while the Brentwood Festival starts on 18th-20th July


To hear the interview you can listen here


photo (9)Laurie Edmonds

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Mrs Brentwood and the 2014 Festivals

The lovely Laurie Edmonds popped in to see Mike today and brought exciting news about this years Brentwood Arts Festival and Brentwood Festival itself


The Arts festival begins on 5th July and will run for a week while the Brentwood Festival starts on 18th-20th July


To hear the interview you can listen here


photo (9)Laurie Edmonds

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Mrs Brentwood and the 2014 Festivals

The lovely Laurie Edmonds popped in to see Mike today and brought exciting news about this years Brentwood Arts Festival and Brentwood Festival itself


The Arts festival begins on 5th July and will run for a week while the Brentwood Festival starts on 18th-20th July


To hear the interview you can listen here


photo (9)Laurie Edmonds

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Mrs Brentwood and the 2014 Festivals

The lovely Laurie Edmonds popped in to see Mike today and brought exciting news about this years Brentwood Arts Festival and Brentwood Festival itself


The Arts festival begins on 5th July and will run for a week while the Brentwood Festival starts on 18th-20th July


To hear the interview you can listen here


photo (9)Laurie Edmonds

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