Brentwood: currently 5°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 4°C
sunrise 07:56, sunset 15:49
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So, you want a request?




Scott Ross and Michelle Ward in full professional pose.

Stu, Con, Drake, Mel and a few others are in the Phoenix FM chat room. Its not unheard of for someone to ask for a request…..

Here is Scott Ross and myself dealing with a request for Wilson Philips….

20131022120011 requests – edited

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So, you want a request?




Scott Ross and Michelle Ward in full professional pose.

Stu, Con, Drake, Mel and a few others are in the Phoenix FM chat room. Its not unheard of for someone to ask for a request…..

Here is Scott Ross and myself dealing with a request for Wilson Philips….

20131022120011 requests – edited

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So, you want a request?




Scott Ross and Michelle Ward in full professional pose.

Stu, Con, Drake, Mel and a few others are in the Phoenix FM chat room. Its not unheard of for someone to ask for a request…..

Here is Scott Ross and myself dealing with a request for Wilson Philips….

20131022120011 requests – edited

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So, you want a request?




Scott Ross and Michelle Ward in full professional pose.

Stu, Con, Drake, Mel and a few others are in the Phoenix FM chat room. Its not unheard of for someone to ask for a request…..

Here is Scott Ross and myself dealing with a request for Wilson Philips….

20131022120011 requests – edited

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