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Book Club Sylvia Kent – Recommended Reads, Essex Book Festival & More

This months Book Club with Sylvia Kent and Nick Garner.

INTERVIEW SYLVIA KENT (Talking Brentwood Writers, Billericay Readers, Society of Women Writers and Journalists and Essex Book Festival 25th Anniversary)


Home – SWWJ

How to Book – Essex Book Festival




Mado has been adrift for too long. After ten years in Paris, she returns to the small island of Le Devin, the home that has haunted her since she left. Le Devin is shaped somewhat like a sleeping woman. At her head is the village of Les Salants, while its more prosperous rival, La Houssinière, lies at her feet. Yet even though you can walk from one to the other in an hour, they are worlds apart. And now Mado is back in Les Salants hoping to reconcile with her estranged father. But what she doesn’t realize is that it is not only her father whose trust she must regain.

Coastliners | Joanne Harris (



Backman got his inspiration for this book after reading an article about a man named Ove who had a fit while buying tickets at an art museum. Backman instantly related to this man as he claims to be “not great at talking o people”.[2] He started writing blogposts under the heading, “I am a Man Called Ove”, where he wrote about his pet peeves and annoyances. Eventually, he realized that his writing had potential for the creation of an interesting fictional character.

A Man Called Ove (novel) – Wikipedia



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Book Club Sylvia Kent – Recommended Reads, Essex Book Festival & More

This months Book Club with Sylvia Kent and Nick Garner.

INTERVIEW SYLVIA KENT (Talking Brentwood Writers, Billericay Readers, Society of Women Writers and Journalists and Essex Book Festival 25th Anniversary)


Home – SWWJ

How to Book – Essex Book Festival




Mado has been adrift for too long. After ten years in Paris, she returns to the small island of Le Devin, the home that has haunted her since she left. Le Devin is shaped somewhat like a sleeping woman. At her head is the village of Les Salants, while its more prosperous rival, La Houssinière, lies at her feet. Yet even though you can walk from one to the other in an hour, they are worlds apart. And now Mado is back in Les Salants hoping to reconcile with her estranged father. But what she doesn’t realize is that it is not only her father whose trust she must regain.

Coastliners | Joanne Harris (



Backman got his inspiration for this book after reading an article about a man named Ove who had a fit while buying tickets at an art museum. Backman instantly related to this man as he claims to be “not great at talking o people”.[2] He started writing blogposts under the heading, “I am a Man Called Ove”, where he wrote about his pet peeves and annoyances. Eventually, he realized that his writing had potential for the creation of an interesting fictional character.

A Man Called Ove (novel) – Wikipedia



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Book Club Sylvia Kent – Recommended Reads, Essex Book Festival & More

This months Book Club with Sylvia Kent and Nick Garner.

INTERVIEW SYLVIA KENT (Talking Brentwood Writers, Billericay Readers, Society of Women Writers and Journalists and Essex Book Festival 25th Anniversary)


Home – SWWJ

How to Book – Essex Book Festival




Mado has been adrift for too long. After ten years in Paris, she returns to the small island of Le Devin, the home that has haunted her since she left. Le Devin is shaped somewhat like a sleeping woman. At her head is the village of Les Salants, while its more prosperous rival, La Houssinière, lies at her feet. Yet even though you can walk from one to the other in an hour, they are worlds apart. And now Mado is back in Les Salants hoping to reconcile with her estranged father. But what she doesn’t realize is that it is not only her father whose trust she must regain.

Coastliners | Joanne Harris (



Backman got his inspiration for this book after reading an article about a man named Ove who had a fit while buying tickets at an art museum. Backman instantly related to this man as he claims to be “not great at talking o people”.[2] He started writing blogposts under the heading, “I am a Man Called Ove”, where he wrote about his pet peeves and annoyances. Eventually, he realized that his writing had potential for the creation of an interesting fictional character.

A Man Called Ove (novel) – Wikipedia



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Book Club Sylvia Kent – Recommended Reads, Essex Book Festival & More

This months Book Club with Sylvia Kent and Nick Garner.

INTERVIEW SYLVIA KENT (Talking Brentwood Writers, Billericay Readers, Society of Women Writers and Journalists and Essex Book Festival 25th Anniversary)


Home – SWWJ

How to Book – Essex Book Festival




Mado has been adrift for too long. After ten years in Paris, she returns to the small island of Le Devin, the home that has haunted her since she left. Le Devin is shaped somewhat like a sleeping woman. At her head is the village of Les Salants, while its more prosperous rival, La Houssinière, lies at her feet. Yet even though you can walk from one to the other in an hour, they are worlds apart. And now Mado is back in Les Salants hoping to reconcile with her estranged father. But what she doesn’t realize is that it is not only her father whose trust she must regain.

Coastliners | Joanne Harris (



Backman got his inspiration for this book after reading an article about a man named Ove who had a fit while buying tickets at an art museum. Backman instantly related to this man as he claims to be “not great at talking o people”.[2] He started writing blogposts under the heading, “I am a Man Called Ove”, where he wrote about his pet peeves and annoyances. Eventually, he realized that his writing had potential for the creation of an interesting fictional character.

A Man Called Ove (novel) – Wikipedia



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