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high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Interview with Mr John Targett from Prime Hospital Consultants

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[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with John Targett (Bryan, 11-01-2013)]

Prime Hospital Consultants are a group of twelve local consultants providing medical treatment and advice on a range of health issues, including cardiology, weight loss, gynaecology and cosmetic surgery. The consultants operate at local hospitals including Spire Hartswood Hospital in Eagle Way, Brentwood.

John Targett, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, visited Phoenix FM to talk about the group and what they offer.

You can find our more about them by visiting their website at

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Interview with Mr John Targett from Prime Hospital Consultants

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with John Targett (Bryan, 11-01-2013)]

Prime Hospital Consultants are a group of twelve local consultants providing medical treatment and advice on a range of health issues, including cardiology, weight loss, gynaecology and cosmetic surgery. The consultants operate at local hospitals including Spire Hartswood Hospital in Eagle Way, Brentwood.

John Targett, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, visited Phoenix FM to talk about the group and what they offer.

You can find our more about them by visiting their website at

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Interview with Mr John Targett from Prime Hospital Consultants

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with John Targett (Bryan, 11-01-2013)]

Prime Hospital Consultants are a group of twelve local consultants providing medical treatment and advice on a range of health issues, including cardiology, weight loss, gynaecology and cosmetic surgery. The consultants operate at local hospitals including Spire Hartswood Hospital in Eagle Way, Brentwood.

John Targett, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, visited Phoenix FM to talk about the group and what they offer.

You can find our more about them by visiting their website at

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Interview with Mr John Targett from Prime Hospital Consultants

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with John Targett (Bryan, 11-01-2013)]

Prime Hospital Consultants are a group of twelve local consultants providing medical treatment and advice on a range of health issues, including cardiology, weight loss, gynaecology and cosmetic surgery. The consultants operate at local hospitals including Spire Hartswood Hospital in Eagle Way, Brentwood.

John Targett, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, visited Phoenix FM to talk about the group and what they offer.

You can find our more about them by visiting their website at

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