We were in competition with the footie tonight. (Well done England!) I was joined in the studio by June Chadwick from the Brentwood Street Pastors. In a fascinating series of interviews she told us that at age 75 she is to be found once a month in Brentwood High Street as part of the team from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. Do check out the national Street Pastors website www.streetpastors.org.uk The local team work on Friday and Saturday nights and are all volunteers from local churches. they are there to help anyone with a need.
Click below to listen again to the interview:
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Phoenix-FM-interview-with-June-Chadwick-Patrick-15-06-2012.mp3|titles=Phoenix FM interview with June Chadwick (Patrick, 15-06-2012)]In the chat room we were joined tonight by someone from Mitchigan USA. Michael asked for Bobby Blue, Dancing on a Saturday Night. It was interesting to read on Wikepediaabout Bobby Blues’ career since this 1973 hit. Rene e-mailed in a request for her friend Ruth listening in South Africa. When I played the request, Ruth cried. We also had the usual mix, with tracks from Duffy, Coldplay, Squeeze, Beach Boys, Lady Antebellum, Dire Straights, Caro Emerald, Booker T and many others. In the news we hear about Woofstock, where 30,000 Canadians celebate all thing doggie and dress up their dogs. See you next week, and I am also sitting in on Thursday 10-midnight.