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Late Night Extra June 15th 2012 – interview with June Chadwick

We were in competition with the footie tonight. (Well done England!) I was joined in the studio by June Chadwick from the Brentwood Street Pastors. In a fascinating series of interviews she told us that at age 75 she is to be found once a month in Brentwood High Street as part of the team from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. Do check out the national Street Pastors website The local team work on Friday and Saturday nights and are all volunteers from local churches. they are there to help anyone with a need.

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with June Chadwick (Patrick, 15-06-2012)]

In the chat room we were joined tonight by someone from Mitchigan USA. Michael asked for Bobby Blue, Dancing on a Saturday Night. It was interesting to read on Wikepediaabout Bobby Blues’ career since this 1973 hit. Rene e-mailed in a request for her friend Ruth listening in South Africa. When I played the request, Ruth cried. We also had the usual mix, with tracks from Duffy, Coldplay, Squeeze, Beach Boys, Lady Antebellum, Dire Straights, Caro Emerald, Booker T and many others. In the news we hear about Woofstock, where 30,000 Canadians celebate all thing doggie and dress up their dogs. See you next week, and I am also sitting in on Thursday 10-midnight.

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Late Night Extra June 15th 2012 – interview with June Chadwick

We were in competition with the footie tonight. (Well done England!) I was joined in the studio by June Chadwick from the Brentwood Street Pastors. In a fascinating series of interviews she told us that at age 75 she is to be found once a month in Brentwood High Street as part of the team from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. Do check out the national Street Pastors website The local team work on Friday and Saturday nights and are all volunteers from local churches. they are there to help anyone with a need.

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with June Chadwick (Patrick, 15-06-2012)]

In the chat room we were joined tonight by someone from Mitchigan USA. Michael asked for Bobby Blue, Dancing on a Saturday Night. It was interesting to read on Wikepediaabout Bobby Blues’ career since this 1973 hit. Rene e-mailed in a request for her friend Ruth listening in South Africa. When I played the request, Ruth cried. We also had the usual mix, with tracks from Duffy, Coldplay, Squeeze, Beach Boys, Lady Antebellum, Dire Straights, Caro Emerald, Booker T and many others. In the news we hear about Woofstock, where 30,000 Canadians celebate all thing doggie and dress up their dogs. See you next week, and I am also sitting in on Thursday 10-midnight.

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Late Night Extra June 15th 2012 – interview with June Chadwick

We were in competition with the footie tonight. (Well done England!) I was joined in the studio by June Chadwick from the Brentwood Street Pastors. In a fascinating series of interviews she told us that at age 75 she is to be found once a month in Brentwood High Street as part of the team from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. Do check out the national Street Pastors website The local team work on Friday and Saturday nights and are all volunteers from local churches. they are there to help anyone with a need.

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with June Chadwick (Patrick, 15-06-2012)]

In the chat room we were joined tonight by someone from Mitchigan USA. Michael asked for Bobby Blue, Dancing on a Saturday Night. It was interesting to read on Wikepediaabout Bobby Blues’ career since this 1973 hit. Rene e-mailed in a request for her friend Ruth listening in South Africa. When I played the request, Ruth cried. We also had the usual mix, with tracks from Duffy, Coldplay, Squeeze, Beach Boys, Lady Antebellum, Dire Straights, Caro Emerald, Booker T and many others. In the news we hear about Woofstock, where 30,000 Canadians celebate all thing doggie and dress up their dogs. See you next week, and I am also sitting in on Thursday 10-midnight.

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Late Night Extra June 15th 2012 – interview with June Chadwick

We were in competition with the footie tonight. (Well done England!) I was joined in the studio by June Chadwick from the Brentwood Street Pastors. In a fascinating series of interviews she told us that at age 75 she is to be found once a month in Brentwood High Street as part of the team from 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. Do check out the national Street Pastors website The local team work on Friday and Saturday nights and are all volunteers from local churches. they are there to help anyone with a need.

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with June Chadwick (Patrick, 15-06-2012)]

In the chat room we were joined tonight by someone from Mitchigan USA. Michael asked for Bobby Blue, Dancing on a Saturday Night. It was interesting to read on Wikepediaabout Bobby Blues’ career since this 1973 hit. Rene e-mailed in a request for her friend Ruth listening in South Africa. When I played the request, Ruth cried. We also had the usual mix, with tracks from Duffy, Coldplay, Squeeze, Beach Boys, Lady Antebellum, Dire Straights, Caro Emerald, Booker T and many others. In the news we hear about Woofstock, where 30,000 Canadians celebate all thing doggie and dress up their dogs. See you next week, and I am also sitting in on Thursday 10-midnight.

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