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Bas II: Ba5ic

Phoenix FM’s BAS II coverage:
Front page | Ba5ic | Protege Reign | Shiny Darkness | Sinestar | Spacebuoy | Speak and Spell

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Ba5ic (Rob, 05-05-2012)]

Ba5ic first met up with Phoenix FM back in April 2010 when they were merely known as Basic. Now a little older and wiser but still incredibly young!, Rob caught up with them on Saturday, when they opened the proceedings at the Bowers Social Club.

You can find the band on Myspace.

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Bas II: Ba5ic

Phoenix FM’s BAS II coverage:
Front page | Ba5ic | Protege Reign | Shiny Darkness | Sinestar | Spacebuoy | Speak and Spell

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Ba5ic (Rob, 05-05-2012)]

Ba5ic first met up with Phoenix FM back in April 2010 when they were merely known as Basic. Now a little older and wiser but still incredibly young!, Rob caught up with them on Saturday, when they opened the proceedings at the Bowers Social Club.

You can find the band on Myspace.

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Bas II: Ba5ic

Phoenix FM’s BAS II coverage:
Front page | Ba5ic | Protege Reign | Shiny Darkness | Sinestar | Spacebuoy | Speak and Spell

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Ba5ic (Rob, 05-05-2012)]

Ba5ic first met up with Phoenix FM back in April 2010 when they were merely known as Basic. Now a little older and wiser but still incredibly young!, Rob caught up with them on Saturday, when they opened the proceedings at the Bowers Social Club.

You can find the band on Myspace.

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Bas II: Ba5ic

Phoenix FM’s BAS II coverage:
Front page | Ba5ic | Protege Reign | Shiny Darkness | Sinestar | Spacebuoy | Speak and Spell

Click below to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Ba5ic (Rob, 05-05-2012)]

Ba5ic first met up with Phoenix FM back in April 2010 when they were merely known as Basic. Now a little older and wiser but still incredibly young!, Rob caught up with them on Saturday, when they opened the proceedings at the Bowers Social Club.

You can find the band on Myspace.

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