Brentwood: currently 4°C, light rain
high today 4°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:26, sunset 16:58
Now playing:
Elton John - Pinball Wizard (M)
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Burpday romance

Saturday 15 February 2014,

Another Birthday done, now wiser as well as older…..then there is Valentines day shortly afterwards, so neither in that area. read more

That’s Crazy Biesh

Saturday 1 February 2014,

Ok hands up,  I do love comedy clips and get carried away, and this week I was channelling  a message read more

Kissing the Pink

Saturday 25 January 2014,

Ending the 2014 January part of the year with a guest is always good, and this show we had Paul read more

horsing around

Saturday 16 February 2013,

A week of being older- nee wiser, Yes it was my birthday this week and as I get older thy read more

Getting older but seldom wiser

Saturday 9 February 2013,

Its all going on today- Mud & Madness race and the Phoenix FM Quiz night after that; glad I’m just read more

Lucky 2013

Saturday 5 January 2013,

Happy NEW year to all – So, we are now in 2013 and looking forward to whatever it may have read more

December, Is Magic again………

Saturday 1 December 2012,

December is magic again, says a song from Kate Bush…..well I guess it can be,as we get to build up read more

Brilliant – you are..

Saturday 29 September 2012,

It seems clear that we have now finally seen the end of our little summer…..aww. On the bright side, we read more

The Box was trick

Saturday 22 September 2012,

Busy Friday was had by little old me…..New phone, and I manage to see three bands at their show in read more

Mid September madness

Saturday 15 September 2012,

September is certainly a wash with madness, in the sense that I’ve noted Christmas items in some shops already…… Blimey, read more

Back 2 Skool..

Saturday 1 September 2012,

As the six week holiday draw to a close, I can hear the crying of the kids, knowing school is read more

August of of fun

Saturday 25 August 2012,

Oh we so love a Bank Holiday weekend……..well I do – Despite the weather planning its traditional sprinkling of moisture. read more

On the way to Gold

Saturday 4 August 2012,

Ah, its the end of the first Olympic week, and it would seem, team GB is well on the way read more

Al gust of Olympian fun

Saturday 28 July 2012,

Hard to compete with Danny Boy; and his Brilliant Olympic opening ceremony aftermath, but I think we had a good read more

Arching into March

Saturday 10 March 2012,

Another week over and another weekend begun…this week I met singer Charley Bird at a family funeral; not the best venue.. but read more