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Are there really any connections between Essex and Disney and Washington?

The Disney name is associated with Fryerning and you will find a monument in Fryerning churchyard commemorating the Disneys from Essex who travelled to the New World.

There is an even closer connection between Purleigh and Washington as back in 1635 Lawrence Washington a forebear of George Washington, was actually rector of All Saints Church.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today:

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Are there really any connections between Essex and Disney and Washington?

The Disney name is associated with Fryerning and you will find a monument in Fryerning churchyard commemorating the Disneys from Essex who travelled to the New World.

There is an even closer connection between Purleigh and Washington as back in 1635 Lawrence Washington a forebear of George Washington, was actually rector of All Saints Church.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today:

See you again next week,

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Are there really any connections between Essex and Disney and Washington?

The Disney name is associated with Fryerning and you will find a monument in Fryerning churchyard commemorating the Disneys from Essex who travelled to the New World.

There is an even closer connection between Purleigh and Washington as back in 1635 Lawrence Washington a forebear of George Washington, was actually rector of All Saints Church.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today:

See you again next week,

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Are there really any connections between Essex and Disney and Washington?

The Disney name is associated with Fryerning and you will find a monument in Fryerning churchyard commemorating the Disneys from Essex who travelled to the New World.

There is an even closer connection between Purleigh and Washington as back in 1635 Lawrence Washington a forebear of George Washington, was actually rector of All Saints Church.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today:

See you again next week,

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