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Isla Rico bring the summer vibes with debut single

On Friday’s Drive I was joined by Jasper, Cal and Harvey from Isla Rico to introduce their debut single “Laying In The Summer Rain”. After a successful tour under their previous name as Offshore, which kicked off with a studio session on Phoenix FM (click here), they return with a new name, a whole new vibe and it’s the unmistakable sound of summer.

To find out more about the single, click play in the box below and listen again to the full interview.

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Isla Rico bring the summer vibes with debut single

On Friday’s Drive I was joined by Jasper, Cal and Harvey from Isla Rico to introduce their debut single “Laying In The Summer Rain”. After a successful tour under their previous name as Offshore, which kicked off with a studio session on Phoenix FM (click here), they return with a new name, a whole new vibe and it’s the unmistakable sound of summer.

To find out more about the single, click play in the box below and listen again to the full interview.

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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Isla Rico bring the summer vibes with debut single

On Friday’s Drive I was joined by Jasper, Cal and Harvey from Isla Rico to introduce their debut single “Laying In The Summer Rain”. After a successful tour under their previous name as Offshore, which kicked off with a studio session on Phoenix FM (click here), they return with a new name, a whole new vibe and it’s the unmistakable sound of summer.

To find out more about the single, click play in the box below and listen again to the full interview.

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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Isla Rico bring the summer vibes with debut single

On Friday’s Drive I was joined by Jasper, Cal and Harvey from Isla Rico to introduce their debut single “Laying In The Summer Rain”. After a successful tour under their previous name as Offshore, which kicked off with a studio session on Phoenix FM (click here), they return with a new name, a whole new vibe and it’s the unmistakable sound of summer.

To find out more about the single, click play in the box below and listen again to the full interview.

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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