With every show on Phoenix FM we write the never ending story together. You can contribute a verse by getting in touch and hear it all unfold live every Thursday from 1-3pm.
Here’s a round up of some of the highlights this week…
We were joined by London based singer song writer Morena Santi for a chat all about her new music and upcoming EP. Plus we covered all sorts from how inspiration for the new single came from a studio jam to hugely exciting gigs coming up including performing at The Royal Albert Hall on 1st April.
Then, after all that, Mark Searby brought us reviews of the latest movies.
You can catch up on everything by pressing play in the Phoenix Player at the top of the page or you can hear some of the chats separately using the podcast links above.
To subscribe to my interviews podcasts so you’ll never miss a guest click here.
To discover even more music from new and previous guests of the show and check out the guest list on Spotify click here.
Thanks for keeping me company. I hope you can be a part of our never ending story again soon, every Thursday from 1-3pm on Phoenix FM.
PS – click here to get in touch.
For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit www.stewartpink.com.