Do you want to improve your credit? If so take a look at the 9 tips below to do so.
Giving yourself plenty of time
While there is a good chance you are rushing to get a loan, remember the more time you give yourself, the more the chance of getting a great deal. This is why you need to start early so you can give yourself enough time to make the right decisions. When you have completely run out of money and you are in crisis mode, you are more likely to make poor decisions compared to giving yourself some time to make the right decision.
Checking out your credit score yourself
Checking your credit score is an important tip when it comes to bad credit loan applicants. There are many types of personal loans out there, and it can be a challenge to know the right option to pick. Things can get worse when you are confused about the right type of personal loan to choose and not being sure whether you are going to be eligible. You should do a little more homework, and this will include figuring how good your credit history is. This will end up saving you a lot of time later.
Tidy up your credit record if you can
Once you have checked your credit score, you can have a look at other information on the file. A credit score is not all about how you make your payments – but there are a lot more factors that can affect your credit score. Ensure your address is up to date and that you are on the electoral roll – such things can make a lot of difference. Carefully go through every account listed on your file. If there are any errors, make sure they are addressed by the company concerned. Any inaccurate information needs to be removed and updated in 24 hours.
Doing your research
When you have a bad credit history, lenders are going to see you as a risk. To make up for the increased risk, they charge you higher interest rates. Different lenders have different ways of interpreting risks, and this means different lenders have different rates. You should compare car finance bad credit loans so you can choose a product that works for you. There is no need of paying a higher interest rate when there is a lender ready to give you the loan at a lower rate.
Having a plan to manage the repayments
This doesn’t need any explanation, but we are going to cover it anyway. No matter how bad or good your credit history is, regardless of the size of the outstanding balance left, or the interests you are paying, you need to repay it. Bad things are going to happen if you fail to make the repayment. Closely look at your budget and figure out whether you can afford to take a loan, and how much you will be required to pay each month.
Avoid too many applications
When applying for a bad credit loan, the lender is going to search for your file. These credit searches are going to leave behind footprints. Lenders can see previous loan applications. If they see that you had applied for a loan but did not get it, they assume that there is a reason why the previous lender declined your application. When they see this, there is a good chance they are going to turn down your application.
Making your applications accurate
You should always ensure the details you enter on the forms are correct, up to date, and accurate. When you provide inaccurate information, the credit bureaus don’t know it and they end up recording it on your file. This makes it harder for you to be approved in the future.
Price comparison websites have made things easier because you can do it from the comfort of your home. There is a wide range of options when it comes to price comparison websites. You should the right website. Make sure the one you choose is well-known and a trusted comparison website. Do not use websites that ask you to pay a fee. If you don’t trust the website, don’t enter your details. Avoid applying for a loan with a company that keeps sending spam text/email messages or cold calling.
Getting a second opinion
Two heads are better than one when applying for a bad credit loan because there is safety in numbers. Get help from a family member or friend who is good with money so they can give you their opinion.