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Essex football team who help good causes by playing charity matches

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

The football season is finally coming to an end but clubs are thinking about their future plans already, with non-league clubs now able to arrange and play friendlies throughout the summer.

It’s also an opportunity to raise funds for good causes too. Our Saturday sport show presenter, John Chubb, welcomed Spencer King and John King from Essex Charity FC to the studio this week.

Essex Charity FC are based in the county and play various events throughout the year to raise funds for many different charities.

They have 20 events lined up this year – the first of which is against Palmers FC at Basildon Sports and Social Club on Sunday 2nd August. All money raised for this game will be donated to mental health charity CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably.

Spencer and John talked to John about the club’s history, aims and how coronavirus has affected its operations this year.

The interview can be heard again at and you can find out more about Essex Charity FC at their official website –

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Essex football team who help good causes by playing charity matches

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

The football season is finally coming to an end but clubs are thinking about their future plans already, with non-league clubs now able to arrange and play friendlies throughout the summer.

It’s also an opportunity to raise funds for good causes too. Our Saturday sport show presenter, John Chubb, welcomed Spencer King and John King from Essex Charity FC to the studio this week.

Essex Charity FC are based in the county and play various events throughout the year to raise funds for many different charities.

They have 20 events lined up this year – the first of which is against Palmers FC at Basildon Sports and Social Club on Sunday 2nd August. All money raised for this game will be donated to mental health charity CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably.

Spencer and John talked to John about the club’s history, aims and how coronavirus has affected its operations this year.

The interview can be heard again at and you can find out more about Essex Charity FC at their official website –

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Essex football team who help good causes by playing charity matches

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

The football season is finally coming to an end but clubs are thinking about their future plans already, with non-league clubs now able to arrange and play friendlies throughout the summer.

It’s also an opportunity to raise funds for good causes too. Our Saturday sport show presenter, John Chubb, welcomed Spencer King and John King from Essex Charity FC to the studio this week.

Essex Charity FC are based in the county and play various events throughout the year to raise funds for many different charities.

They have 20 events lined up this year – the first of which is against Palmers FC at Basildon Sports and Social Club on Sunday 2nd August. All money raised for this game will be donated to mental health charity CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably.

Spencer and John talked to John about the club’s history, aims and how coronavirus has affected its operations this year.

The interview can be heard again at and you can find out more about Essex Charity FC at their official website –

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Essex football team who help good causes by playing charity matches

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

The football season is finally coming to an end but clubs are thinking about their future plans already, with non-league clubs now able to arrange and play friendlies throughout the summer.

It’s also an opportunity to raise funds for good causes too. Our Saturday sport show presenter, John Chubb, welcomed Spencer King and John King from Essex Charity FC to the studio this week.

Essex Charity FC are based in the county and play various events throughout the year to raise funds for many different charities.

They have 20 events lined up this year – the first of which is against Palmers FC at Basildon Sports and Social Club on Sunday 2nd August. All money raised for this game will be donated to mental health charity CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably.

Spencer and John talked to John about the club’s history, aims and how coronavirus has affected its operations this year.

The interview can be heard again at and you can find out more about Essex Charity FC at their official website –

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