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Should you think about a part sale of your property?


Our legal guru, BRIAN HUGHES returned for the first time in this New Year, and was looking today some of the aspects of selling property, and in particular whether it is worth looking at a part sale of land for redevelopment.

As usual what looks at first sight as straightforward, can be rather more involved than you might think, so listen again here to the pointers, Brian provided: –

Later in the show, we reported on a very strange incident of a young man waking up in the middle of the night to discover someone sitting at the end of his bed busily engaged in sucking his toes.


The victim aroused from his slumbers told the intruder that he didn’t have any money only to be informed that he wasn’t interested in cash but was only there to suck his toes.

A fight then ensued resulting in the man being ejected from the room, but before finally fleeing the scene, he smashed the victim’s car windscreen.

Police responded and used dogs in the hope of tracking the foot fetish.

Although taking swabs from between the toes of the victim they have so far failed to come up with any matches from their database.

These days I never cease to be amazed by some of the things that people get up to.

The good thing is it makes me feel that I’m not as odd as I sometimes think I might be.

See you again tomorrow,

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Should you think about a part sale of your property?


Our legal guru, BRIAN HUGHES returned for the first time in this New Year, and was looking today some of the aspects of selling property, and in particular whether it is worth looking at a part sale of land for redevelopment.

As usual what looks at first sight as straightforward, can be rather more involved than you might think, so listen again here to the pointers, Brian provided: –

Later in the show, we reported on a very strange incident of a young man waking up in the middle of the night to discover someone sitting at the end of his bed busily engaged in sucking his toes.


The victim aroused from his slumbers told the intruder that he didn’t have any money only to be informed that he wasn’t interested in cash but was only there to suck his toes.

A fight then ensued resulting in the man being ejected from the room, but before finally fleeing the scene, he smashed the victim’s car windscreen.

Police responded and used dogs in the hope of tracking the foot fetish.

Although taking swabs from between the toes of the victim they have so far failed to come up with any matches from their database.

These days I never cease to be amazed by some of the things that people get up to.

The good thing is it makes me feel that I’m not as odd as I sometimes think I might be.

See you again tomorrow,

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Should you think about a part sale of your property?


Our legal guru, BRIAN HUGHES returned for the first time in this New Year, and was looking today some of the aspects of selling property, and in particular whether it is worth looking at a part sale of land for redevelopment.

As usual what looks at first sight as straightforward, can be rather more involved than you might think, so listen again here to the pointers, Brian provided: –

Later in the show, we reported on a very strange incident of a young man waking up in the middle of the night to discover someone sitting at the end of his bed busily engaged in sucking his toes.


The victim aroused from his slumbers told the intruder that he didn’t have any money only to be informed that he wasn’t interested in cash but was only there to suck his toes.

A fight then ensued resulting in the man being ejected from the room, but before finally fleeing the scene, he smashed the victim’s car windscreen.

Police responded and used dogs in the hope of tracking the foot fetish.

Although taking swabs from between the toes of the victim they have so far failed to come up with any matches from their database.

These days I never cease to be amazed by some of the things that people get up to.

The good thing is it makes me feel that I’m not as odd as I sometimes think I might be.

See you again tomorrow,

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Should you think about a part sale of your property?


Our legal guru, BRIAN HUGHES returned for the first time in this New Year, and was looking today some of the aspects of selling property, and in particular whether it is worth looking at a part sale of land for redevelopment.

As usual what looks at first sight as straightforward, can be rather more involved than you might think, so listen again here to the pointers, Brian provided: –

Later in the show, we reported on a very strange incident of a young man waking up in the middle of the night to discover someone sitting at the end of his bed busily engaged in sucking his toes.


The victim aroused from his slumbers told the intruder that he didn’t have any money only to be informed that he wasn’t interested in cash but was only there to suck his toes.

A fight then ensued resulting in the man being ejected from the room, but before finally fleeing the scene, he smashed the victim’s car windscreen.

Police responded and used dogs in the hope of tracking the foot fetish.

Although taking swabs from between the toes of the victim they have so far failed to come up with any matches from their database.

These days I never cease to be amazed by some of the things that people get up to.

The good thing is it makes me feel that I’m not as odd as I sometimes think I might be.

See you again tomorrow,

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