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Here’s a “nugget” of a story!

Now can it ever be right to report friends to the police following a practical joke?

Just asking because a 24-year old vegan clearly thinks so, and has done just that, after friends tricked her into eating chicken nuggets.

It seems that whilst she was at a party where they all got hammered, her friends thought it would be funny to feed her the nuggets and record the event for subsequent posting on Snapchat.

In answer to her question about whether the items were vegan, her friends said they were “sunfed” which for the uninitiated is apparently a vegan type of “chicken less chicken”.

She thought they tasted a bit odd but put that down to her drunken state, only discovering the truth when she saw the video the following day.

She promptly took a screen recording of the video to police and 3 of her now, ex-friends, are facing charges.

So I ask you bearing in mind that no life threatening allergy was involved, do you think she was justified or is this whole affair an overreaction?

Answers on a plain postcard, please!

In the second hour of today’s show, Margaret Mills introduced us to a landscape gardener named Humphry Repton who used to live in Romford.

One of the properties in Essex for which his talents were put to use, was Hylands House in Chelmsford.

You can listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

See you again next week,

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Here’s a “nugget” of a story!

Now can it ever be right to report friends to the police following a practical joke?

Just asking because a 24-year old vegan clearly thinks so, and has done just that, after friends tricked her into eating chicken nuggets.

It seems that whilst she was at a party where they all got hammered, her friends thought it would be funny to feed her the nuggets and record the event for subsequent posting on Snapchat.

In answer to her question about whether the items were vegan, her friends said they were “sunfed” which for the uninitiated is apparently a vegan type of “chicken less chicken”.

She thought they tasted a bit odd but put that down to her drunken state, only discovering the truth when she saw the video the following day.

She promptly took a screen recording of the video to police and 3 of her now, ex-friends, are facing charges.

So I ask you bearing in mind that no life threatening allergy was involved, do you think she was justified or is this whole affair an overreaction?

Answers on a plain postcard, please!

In the second hour of today’s show, Margaret Mills introduced us to a landscape gardener named Humphry Repton who used to live in Romford.

One of the properties in Essex for which his talents were put to use, was Hylands House in Chelmsford.

You can listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

See you again next week,

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Here’s a “nugget” of a story!

Now can it ever be right to report friends to the police following a practical joke?

Just asking because a 24-year old vegan clearly thinks so, and has done just that, after friends tricked her into eating chicken nuggets.

It seems that whilst she was at a party where they all got hammered, her friends thought it would be funny to feed her the nuggets and record the event for subsequent posting on Snapchat.

In answer to her question about whether the items were vegan, her friends said they were “sunfed” which for the uninitiated is apparently a vegan type of “chicken less chicken”.

She thought they tasted a bit odd but put that down to her drunken state, only discovering the truth when she saw the video the following day.

She promptly took a screen recording of the video to police and 3 of her now, ex-friends, are facing charges.

So I ask you bearing in mind that no life threatening allergy was involved, do you think she was justified or is this whole affair an overreaction?

Answers on a plain postcard, please!

In the second hour of today’s show, Margaret Mills introduced us to a landscape gardener named Humphry Repton who used to live in Romford.

One of the properties in Essex for which his talents were put to use, was Hylands House in Chelmsford.

You can listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

See you again next week,

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Here’s a “nugget” of a story!

Now can it ever be right to report friends to the police following a practical joke?

Just asking because a 24-year old vegan clearly thinks so, and has done just that, after friends tricked her into eating chicken nuggets.

It seems that whilst she was at a party where they all got hammered, her friends thought it would be funny to feed her the nuggets and record the event for subsequent posting on Snapchat.

In answer to her question about whether the items were vegan, her friends said they were “sunfed” which for the uninitiated is apparently a vegan type of “chicken less chicken”.

She thought they tasted a bit odd but put that down to her drunken state, only discovering the truth when she saw the video the following day.

She promptly took a screen recording of the video to police and 3 of her now, ex-friends, are facing charges.

So I ask you bearing in mind that no life threatening allergy was involved, do you think she was justified or is this whole affair an overreaction?

Answers on a plain postcard, please!

In the second hour of today’s show, Margaret Mills introduced us to a landscape gardener named Humphry Repton who used to live in Romford.

One of the properties in Essex for which his talents were put to use, was Hylands House in Chelmsford.

You can listen again here to what Margaret had to say on this subject: –

See you again next week,

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