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high today 11°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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Latitude 2019: Josephine & the Artizans

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Six-piece Josephine & the Artizans are one of the most unusual acts on the London scene today. Their line-up features classically trained opera singer Josephine, two rappers, and a string section! They’ve just released their latest EP ‘Hiphopera IV’ & are in the middle of a very busy summer of festival appearances, including four sets at Glastonbury a few weeks back (!), & There’s plenty more in the pipeline as we found out when they chatted to Nick at Latitude on Saturday.

You can find out more about them at

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Latitude 2019: Josephine & the Artizans

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Six-piece Josephine & the Artizans are one of the most unusual acts on the London scene today. Their line-up features classically trained opera singer Josephine, two rappers, and a string section! They’ve just released their latest EP ‘Hiphopera IV’ & are in the middle of a very busy summer of festival appearances, including four sets at Glastonbury a few weeks back (!), & There’s plenty more in the pipeline as we found out when they chatted to Nick at Latitude on Saturday.

You can find out more about them at

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Latitude 2019: Josephine & the Artizans

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Six-piece Josephine & the Artizans are one of the most unusual acts on the London scene today. Their line-up features classically trained opera singer Josephine, two rappers, and a string section! They’ve just released their latest EP ‘Hiphopera IV’ & are in the middle of a very busy summer of festival appearances, including four sets at Glastonbury a few weeks back (!), & There’s plenty more in the pipeline as we found out when they chatted to Nick at Latitude on Saturday.

You can find out more about them at

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Latitude 2019: Josephine & the Artizans

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Six-piece Josephine & the Artizans are one of the most unusual acts on the London scene today. Their line-up features classically trained opera singer Josephine, two rappers, and a string section! They’ve just released their latest EP ‘Hiphopera IV’ & are in the middle of a very busy summer of festival appearances, including four sets at Glastonbury a few weeks back (!), & There’s plenty more in the pipeline as we found out when they chatted to Nick at Latitude on Saturday.

You can find out more about them at

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