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Is this a clever way of getting a case kicked out of court?

Can you imagine finding yourself in court where your legal representative turns up covered in bed bugs?

Well this is precisely what happened over in the USA where upon arrival at Rogers County Courthouse in Oklahoma, a lawyer caused the courthouse to be shut down after an abundance of bed bugs fell off his suit.

Apparently someone initially spotted something crawling on his neck and when he removed his jacket and placed it over some files bed bugs started crawling out in droves resulting in the third floor courtroom becoming overrun by the blood sucking insects

It now seems that this isn’t the first time the unnamed lawyer has caused issues with bed bugs.

This attorney has allegedly been to court on numerous occasions with an active bed bug infestation, and he’s being referred to as a “menace” whose condition served as an “inconvenience.”

Local Sheriff, Scott Walton, said it’s hard to imagine that someone could be unaware that they had bed bugs crawling all over them, certainly in abundance. This is an obvious matter of mental health and wellness in the legal profession.

Dear me!

Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about a well known astronomer from Wanstead.

If you missed it listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you once again next week,

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Is this a clever way of getting a case kicked out of court?

Can you imagine finding yourself in court where your legal representative turns up covered in bed bugs?

Well this is precisely what happened over in the USA where upon arrival at Rogers County Courthouse in Oklahoma, a lawyer caused the courthouse to be shut down after an abundance of bed bugs fell off his suit.

Apparently someone initially spotted something crawling on his neck and when he removed his jacket and placed it over some files bed bugs started crawling out in droves resulting in the third floor courtroom becoming overrun by the blood sucking insects

It now seems that this isn’t the first time the unnamed lawyer has caused issues with bed bugs.

This attorney has allegedly been to court on numerous occasions with an active bed bug infestation, and he’s being referred to as a “menace” whose condition served as an “inconvenience.”

Local Sheriff, Scott Walton, said it’s hard to imagine that someone could be unaware that they had bed bugs crawling all over them, certainly in abundance. This is an obvious matter of mental health and wellness in the legal profession.

Dear me!

Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about a well known astronomer from Wanstead.

If you missed it listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you once again next week,

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Is this a clever way of getting a case kicked out of court?

Can you imagine finding yourself in court where your legal representative turns up covered in bed bugs?

Well this is precisely what happened over in the USA where upon arrival at Rogers County Courthouse in Oklahoma, a lawyer caused the courthouse to be shut down after an abundance of bed bugs fell off his suit.

Apparently someone initially spotted something crawling on his neck and when he removed his jacket and placed it over some files bed bugs started crawling out in droves resulting in the third floor courtroom becoming overrun by the blood sucking insects

It now seems that this isn’t the first time the unnamed lawyer has caused issues with bed bugs.

This attorney has allegedly been to court on numerous occasions with an active bed bug infestation, and he’s being referred to as a “menace” whose condition served as an “inconvenience.”

Local Sheriff, Scott Walton, said it’s hard to imagine that someone could be unaware that they had bed bugs crawling all over them, certainly in abundance. This is an obvious matter of mental health and wellness in the legal profession.

Dear me!

Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about a well known astronomer from Wanstead.

If you missed it listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you once again next week,

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Is this a clever way of getting a case kicked out of court?

Can you imagine finding yourself in court where your legal representative turns up covered in bed bugs?

Well this is precisely what happened over in the USA where upon arrival at Rogers County Courthouse in Oklahoma, a lawyer caused the courthouse to be shut down after an abundance of bed bugs fell off his suit.

Apparently someone initially spotted something crawling on his neck and when he removed his jacket and placed it over some files bed bugs started crawling out in droves resulting in the third floor courtroom becoming overrun by the blood sucking insects

It now seems that this isn’t the first time the unnamed lawyer has caused issues with bed bugs.

This attorney has allegedly been to court on numerous occasions with an active bed bug infestation, and he’s being referred to as a “menace” whose condition served as an “inconvenience.”

Local Sheriff, Scott Walton, said it’s hard to imagine that someone could be unaware that they had bed bugs crawling all over them, certainly in abundance. This is an obvious matter of mental health and wellness in the legal profession.

Dear me!

Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about a well known astronomer from Wanstead.

If you missed it listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you once again next week,

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