On Friday 15th February, Michelle Ward was otherwise engaged thespianing(!) so Ben Simmons covered Eat My Brunch from 10am-1pm.
Midway through the show, Ben was delighted to be joined by Tracy Godden and Leah Lambert from The Forget Me Not Activity Club, based in Mountnessing.
This is a wonderful organisation which provides respite for family carers and a really enjoyable day out for those in their care. To hear the full interview during the show, and find out all the necessary information, click the player below.
Events currently take place on Mondays between 10am and 3pm.
If you are interested, please get in touch.
Phone – 07940 231609
Facebook – The Forget Me Not Activity Club
Email – thefmnclub@gmail.com
[mixcloud height=120 width=620]https://www.mixcloud.com/bensim21/interview-with-the-forget-me-not-activity-club/[/mixcloud]