Two inspiring women in the studio today, firstly Bridget Holley who set up OUR GRIEVING HEARTS and Francesca Spiteri who converted an empty outdoor space into BUTTERFLY MEADOWS. Their aim is to help parents, siblings, grandparents and friends dealing with the loss of a child. You can listen to their inspirational talk here and contact details are below.
- Have you experienced the loss of your son or daughter?
- Do you need someone to talk to?
- We provide support for bereaved parents
We support bereaved parents through their grief after the loss of a son or daughter of any age and offer the following services:
- Evening meetings in Brentwood
- Befriending service
- Advice on local counselling services
We’re here at times of crisis and for the ongoing needs over your lifetime. We offer an opportunity to talk about your child in a safe and caring environment with others
who have also experienced the death of a much-loved and precious son or daughter.
The monthly meetings offer an informal, friendly and safe setting in a tranquil environment where bereaved parents can meet others who truly understand and empathise.
“I can vent my true thoughts and feelings however trivial without being judged”
“It is a great source of comfort to me to be with people who really got it”
“I felt supported and really needed those monthly meetings. Initially I could have come once a week!”
Our Grieving Hearts – Peer to peer support for bereaved parents
As the Compassionate Friends marks it’s 50th anniversary, we are excited and grateful to have been allowed access to St Mary’s Church land at the Butterfly Meadow. We are, in conjunction with the church and Essex Wildlife Trust working to restore the area to it’s former glory. It is the perfect destination for a walk to enjoy the peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle of life. We are also grateful to Bennetts Funeral Directors and Brentwood Council for their support in this venture.”
Under Construction – Butterfly Meadow Official
Francesca’s Walk 100 Miles in March for MIND