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high today 10°C, low tonight 5°C
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Standon Calling 2018: Park Hotel

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Park Hotel are an international post-electronic six piece dance band who explore the mirrorball-noir territory between alternative arena electronica and wired downtown songwriting.

Forming in early 2016, when creative duo Tim Abbey and Rebeca Marcos-Rosa met by chance, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind of success for the band, including a nomination on the prestigious BBC Sound list.

Gareth chatted to Tim and Rebeca from the band about their music. You can find out more about them on their Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2018: Park Hotel

Click here to listen to the interview:

Park Hotel are an international post-electronic six piece dance band who explore the mirrorball-noir territory between alternative arena electronica and wired downtown songwriting.

Forming in early 2016, when creative duo Tim Abbey and Rebeca Marcos-Rosa met by chance, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind of success for the band, including a nomination on the prestigious BBC Sound list.

Gareth chatted to Tim and Rebeca from the band about their music. You can find out more about them on their Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2018: Park Hotel

Click here to listen to the interview:

Park Hotel are an international post-electronic six piece dance band who explore the mirrorball-noir territory between alternative arena electronica and wired downtown songwriting.

Forming in early 2016, when creative duo Tim Abbey and Rebeca Marcos-Rosa met by chance, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind of success for the band, including a nomination on the prestigious BBC Sound list.

Gareth chatted to Tim and Rebeca from the band about their music. You can find out more about them on their Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2018: Park Hotel

Click here to listen to the interview:

Park Hotel are an international post-electronic six piece dance band who explore the mirrorball-noir territory between alternative arena electronica and wired downtown songwriting.

Forming in early 2016, when creative duo Tim Abbey and Rebeca Marcos-Rosa met by chance, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind of success for the band, including a nomination on the prestigious BBC Sound list.

Gareth chatted to Tim and Rebeca from the band about their music. You can find out more about them on their Facebook page.

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