Brentwood: currently 1°C, mostly clear
high today 8°C, low tonight 1°C
sunrise 07:49, sunset 16:31
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Heatwave advice from the NHS

NHS Basildon and Brentwood CCG is urging people to look after themselves, act responsibility and use NHS services sensibly, during the heatwave this week: please think twice before heading to A&E or calling 999 when it’s not an emergency.

Here are some top tips to keep well during the heatwave:

  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.
  • If you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 111 and they will make sure you receive the advice and care you need
  • Keep hydrated – if you’re feeling thirsty, lightheaded, dizzy or tired, you may be dehydrated. Make sure you have plenty of non-alcoholic cold drinks available and drink enough so that your pee is a pale clear colour
  • Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home, with medicines such as paracetamol which can treat a number of everyday illnesses
  • Take early action – seek advice from your local pharmacy if you have a long term health condition and are starting to feel unwell before it gets more serious. Further advice can be found at
  • Use Emergency Services wisely – please only call 999 when it’s a serious injury or a life threatening situation such as unconsciousness, heavy loss of blood, severe chest pain or stroke
  • Drink alcohol sensibly – intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water and stick to safe levels
  • It’s always important to be prepared for a power outage due to extreme heat, which is where this hefty guide on preparing for a power outage might come in handy!
  • Daily/weekly heatwave updates can be found on the Met Office website

Dr Arv Guniyagodage, local GP and chair of Basildon and Brentwood CCG advises:

“It’s great to be able to enjoy some warm and sunny weather but it is important to take care as temperatures rise and remember that very hot weather can create health risks – particularly for young children and vulnerable older people. Please check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves. If you feel unwell, remember that you can call NHS 111 for advice.”

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Heatwave advice from the NHS

NHS Basildon and Brentwood CCG is urging people to look after themselves, act responsibility and use NHS services sensibly, during the heatwave this week: please think twice before heading to A&E or calling 999 when it’s not an emergency.

Here are some top tips to keep well during the heatwave:

  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.
  • If you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 111 and they will make sure you receive the advice and care you need
  • Keep hydrated – if you’re feeling thirsty, lightheaded, dizzy or tired, you may be dehydrated. Make sure you have plenty of non-alcoholic cold drinks available and drink enough so that your pee is a pale clear colour
  • Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home, with medicines such as paracetamol which can treat a number of everyday illnesses
  • Take early action – seek advice from your local pharmacy if you have a long term health condition and are starting to feel unwell before it gets more serious. Further advice can be found at
  • Use Emergency Services wisely – please only call 999 when it’s a serious injury or a life threatening situation such as unconsciousness, heavy loss of blood, severe chest pain or stroke
  • Drink alcohol sensibly – intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water and stick to safe levels
  • It’s always important to be prepared for a power outage due to extreme heat, which is where this hefty guide on preparing for a power outage might come in handy!
  • Daily/weekly heatwave updates can be found on the Met Office website

Dr Arv Guniyagodage, local GP and chair of Basildon and Brentwood CCG advises:

“It’s great to be able to enjoy some warm and sunny weather but it is important to take care as temperatures rise and remember that very hot weather can create health risks – particularly for young children and vulnerable older people. Please check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves. If you feel unwell, remember that you can call NHS 111 for advice.”

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Heatwave advice from the NHS

NHS Basildon and Brentwood CCG is urging people to look after themselves, act responsibility and use NHS services sensibly, during the heatwave this week: please think twice before heading to A&E or calling 999 when it’s not an emergency.

Here are some top tips to keep well during the heatwave:

  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.
  • If you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 111 and they will make sure you receive the advice and care you need
  • Keep hydrated – if you’re feeling thirsty, lightheaded, dizzy or tired, you may be dehydrated. Make sure you have plenty of non-alcoholic cold drinks available and drink enough so that your pee is a pale clear colour
  • Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home, with medicines such as paracetamol which can treat a number of everyday illnesses
  • Take early action – seek advice from your local pharmacy if you have a long term health condition and are starting to feel unwell before it gets more serious. Further advice can be found at
  • Use Emergency Services wisely – please only call 999 when it’s a serious injury or a life threatening situation such as unconsciousness, heavy loss of blood, severe chest pain or stroke
  • Drink alcohol sensibly – intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water and stick to safe levels
  • It’s always important to be prepared for a power outage due to extreme heat, which is where this hefty guide on preparing for a power outage might come in handy!
  • Daily/weekly heatwave updates can be found on the Met Office website

Dr Arv Guniyagodage, local GP and chair of Basildon and Brentwood CCG advises:

“It’s great to be able to enjoy some warm and sunny weather but it is important to take care as temperatures rise and remember that very hot weather can create health risks – particularly for young children and vulnerable older people. Please check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves. If you feel unwell, remember that you can call NHS 111 for advice.”

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Heatwave advice from the NHS

NHS Basildon and Brentwood CCG is urging people to look after themselves, act responsibility and use NHS services sensibly, during the heatwave this week: please think twice before heading to A&E or calling 999 when it’s not an emergency.

Here are some top tips to keep well during the heatwave:

  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.
  • If you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 111 and they will make sure you receive the advice and care you need
  • Keep hydrated – if you’re feeling thirsty, lightheaded, dizzy or tired, you may be dehydrated. Make sure you have plenty of non-alcoholic cold drinks available and drink enough so that your pee is a pale clear colour
  • Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home, with medicines such as paracetamol which can treat a number of everyday illnesses
  • Take early action – seek advice from your local pharmacy if you have a long term health condition and are starting to feel unwell before it gets more serious. Further advice can be found at
  • Use Emergency Services wisely – please only call 999 when it’s a serious injury or a life threatening situation such as unconsciousness, heavy loss of blood, severe chest pain or stroke
  • Drink alcohol sensibly – intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water and stick to safe levels
  • It’s always important to be prepared for a power outage due to extreme heat, which is where this hefty guide on preparing for a power outage might come in handy!
  • Daily/weekly heatwave updates can be found on the Met Office website

Dr Arv Guniyagodage, local GP and chair of Basildon and Brentwood CCG advises:

“It’s great to be able to enjoy some warm and sunny weather but it is important to take care as temperatures rise and remember that very hot weather can create health risks – particularly for young children and vulnerable older people. Please check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves. If you feel unwell, remember that you can call NHS 111 for advice.”

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