Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Latitude 2018: Bodega

Bodega are a New York quintet whose post-punk and art-rock leanings are reminiscent of some of the great New York acts from the last 50 years including the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Patti Smith and Blondie.

We spoke to Ben and Nikki from the band straight after their triumphant set on the Lake Stage on Friday. Listen to what they have to say below:

The band’s debut album Endless Scroll has just been released and you can find out more about the band on their Facebook page.

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Latitude 2018: Bodega

Bodega are a New York quintet whose post-punk and art-rock leanings are reminiscent of some of the great New York acts from the last 50 years including the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Patti Smith and Blondie.

We spoke to Ben and Nikki from the band straight after their triumphant set on the Lake Stage on Friday. Listen to what they have to say below:

The band’s debut album Endless Scroll has just been released and you can find out more about the band on their Facebook page.

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Latitude 2018: Bodega

Bodega are a New York quintet whose post-punk and art-rock leanings are reminiscent of some of the great New York acts from the last 50 years including the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Patti Smith and Blondie.

We spoke to Ben and Nikki from the band straight after their triumphant set on the Lake Stage on Friday. Listen to what they have to say below:

The band’s debut album Endless Scroll has just been released and you can find out more about the band on their Facebook page.

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Latitude 2018: Bodega

Bodega are a New York quintet whose post-punk and art-rock leanings are reminiscent of some of the great New York acts from the last 50 years including the Velvet Underground, Talking Heads, Patti Smith and Blondie.

We spoke to Ben and Nikki from the band straight after their triumphant set on the Lake Stage on Friday. Listen to what they have to say below:

The band’s debut album Endless Scroll has just been released and you can find out more about the band on their Facebook page.

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