Phoenix FM has increased its coverage area after getting the all clear from UK radio regulator Ofcom.
The new coverage area was confirmed with Ofcom last week and we’ve wasted no time in getting the new equipment in place. Here’s where you can now hear us on FM:
Our footprint now covers a population of 949,000 in east London and south Essex. It’s a big improvement on the original agreement we were granted way back in 2007:
We’ve managed to do this without increasing the wattage of our transmitter – it’s down to a better location (in Warley) and an upgraded aerial (moving to mixed polarity instead of vertical only).
Our original aerial was located on the roof of the Town Hall, but we’ve removed this now as the building is undertaking two years of refurbishment.
Thanks go to local aerial company Foxtel from Stondon Massey for the installation and to Transplan UK for their advice and assistance.
Let us know how far away you can hear us!