Brentwood: currently 7°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
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Standon Calling 2017: KT Tunstall

We grabbed the lovely KT Tunstall for a few minutes before her main stage performance at this year’s Standon Calling!

KT Tunstall with Paul Golder

KT, who now lives in Los Angeles, is currently writing a trilogy of life-affirming albums with the first of these, KIN, already out and the next one due in the spring. She spoke to us about her love of touring, her inspiration for her new work and also chatted about WarChild and the amazing work they do. You can hear it all again here:

You can keep an eye her latest news by following KT’s official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: KT Tunstall

We grabbed the lovely KT Tunstall for a few minutes before her main stage performance at this year’s Standon Calling!

KT Tunstall with Paul Golder

KT, who now lives in Los Angeles, is currently writing a trilogy of life-affirming albums with the first of these, KIN, already out and the next one due in the spring. She spoke to us about her love of touring, her inspiration for her new work and also chatted about WarChild and the amazing work they do. You can hear it all again here:

You can keep an eye her latest news by following KT’s official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: KT Tunstall

We grabbed the lovely KT Tunstall for a few minutes before her main stage performance at this year’s Standon Calling!

KT Tunstall with Paul Golder

KT, who now lives in Los Angeles, is currently writing a trilogy of life-affirming albums with the first of these, KIN, already out and the next one due in the spring. She spoke to us about her love of touring, her inspiration for her new work and also chatted about WarChild and the amazing work they do. You can hear it all again here:

You can keep an eye her latest news by following KT’s official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: KT Tunstall

We grabbed the lovely KT Tunstall for a few minutes before her main stage performance at this year’s Standon Calling!

KT Tunstall with Paul Golder

KT, who now lives in Los Angeles, is currently writing a trilogy of life-affirming albums with the first of these, KIN, already out and the next one due in the spring. She spoke to us about her love of touring, her inspiration for her new work and also chatted about WarChild and the amazing work they do. You can hear it all again here:

You can keep an eye her latest news by following KT’s official Facebook page.

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