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50SOC: Introducing Billy Collins

Billy Collins explains his musical journey…

“Have been playing music from a young age starting out on drums with my first ever gig at the age of 11 where dads drummer let them down for a gig in Wales so I stepped up and performed on drums for the night
From there music was all I wanted to do.


“I grew up listening to a wide range of different genres of music. But my main interests are Country, Blues, Folk , Rock n Roll / Rockabilly and more
My influences growing up were: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Green day, Busted, My Dad and a few more

“Everything I have done has been self taught from learning the drums to little bit of the harmonica and learning Guitar.

“Way I started on drums was I started playing on pillows playing long to my favourite songs I was listening to.

“Guitar – I was home one day from college and I had always wanted to learn guitar so I decided to pick up a guitar we had in the house and started trying to make a decent sound out of it and I had remembered my granddad showing me a C chord ages ago but I couldn’t quite remember it. So I decided to learn a Johnny cash riff ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ only the start part and then once I kind of got it I rung my Dad and Step mum and played it to them over the phone. And from there I learnt all the chords just from reading out a book and using my ear. I learnt on a fender acoustic guitar and now I have one of my dream guitars which is a martin guitar.

“I have been on a holiday to Memphis Tennessee and stayed at the heartbreak hotel it was one of the best times I have had visiting the kings home at Gracelands and then doing sun studios and Beale Street.

“In the process of getting recordings done and demos done to send out and get my music out there”.

To contact me –
FACEBOOK- @BillyCollinsAcoustic
TWITTER – @billster95

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50SOC: Introducing Billy Collins

Billy Collins explains his musical journey…

“Have been playing music from a young age starting out on drums with my first ever gig at the age of 11 where dads drummer let them down for a gig in Wales so I stepped up and performed on drums for the night
From there music was all I wanted to do.


“I grew up listening to a wide range of different genres of music. But my main interests are Country, Blues, Folk , Rock n Roll / Rockabilly and more
My influences growing up were: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Green day, Busted, My Dad and a few more

“Everything I have done has been self taught from learning the drums to little bit of the harmonica and learning Guitar.

“Way I started on drums was I started playing on pillows playing long to my favourite songs I was listening to.

“Guitar – I was home one day from college and I had always wanted to learn guitar so I decided to pick up a guitar we had in the house and started trying to make a decent sound out of it and I had remembered my granddad showing me a C chord ages ago but I couldn’t quite remember it. So I decided to learn a Johnny cash riff ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ only the start part and then once I kind of got it I rung my Dad and Step mum and played it to them over the phone. And from there I learnt all the chords just from reading out a book and using my ear. I learnt on a fender acoustic guitar and now I have one of my dream guitars which is a martin guitar.

“I have been on a holiday to Memphis Tennessee and stayed at the heartbreak hotel it was one of the best times I have had visiting the kings home at Gracelands and then doing sun studios and Beale Street.

“In the process of getting recordings done and demos done to send out and get my music out there”.

To contact me –
FACEBOOK- @BillyCollinsAcoustic
TWITTER – @billster95

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50SOC: Introducing Billy Collins

Billy Collins explains his musical journey…

“Have been playing music from a young age starting out on drums with my first ever gig at the age of 11 where dads drummer let them down for a gig in Wales so I stepped up and performed on drums for the night
From there music was all I wanted to do.


“I grew up listening to a wide range of different genres of music. But my main interests are Country, Blues, Folk , Rock n Roll / Rockabilly and more
My influences growing up were: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Green day, Busted, My Dad and a few more

“Everything I have done has been self taught from learning the drums to little bit of the harmonica and learning Guitar.

“Way I started on drums was I started playing on pillows playing long to my favourite songs I was listening to.

“Guitar – I was home one day from college and I had always wanted to learn guitar so I decided to pick up a guitar we had in the house and started trying to make a decent sound out of it and I had remembered my granddad showing me a C chord ages ago but I couldn’t quite remember it. So I decided to learn a Johnny cash riff ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ only the start part and then once I kind of got it I rung my Dad and Step mum and played it to them over the phone. And from there I learnt all the chords just from reading out a book and using my ear. I learnt on a fender acoustic guitar and now I have one of my dream guitars which is a martin guitar.

“I have been on a holiday to Memphis Tennessee and stayed at the heartbreak hotel it was one of the best times I have had visiting the kings home at Gracelands and then doing sun studios and Beale Street.

“In the process of getting recordings done and demos done to send out and get my music out there”.

To contact me –
FACEBOOK- @BillyCollinsAcoustic
TWITTER – @billster95

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50SOC: Introducing Billy Collins

Billy Collins explains his musical journey…

“Have been playing music from a young age starting out on drums with my first ever gig at the age of 11 where dads drummer let them down for a gig in Wales so I stepped up and performed on drums for the night
From there music was all I wanted to do.


“I grew up listening to a wide range of different genres of music. But my main interests are Country, Blues, Folk , Rock n Roll / Rockabilly and more
My influences growing up were: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Green day, Busted, My Dad and a few more

“Everything I have done has been self taught from learning the drums to little bit of the harmonica and learning Guitar.

“Way I started on drums was I started playing on pillows playing long to my favourite songs I was listening to.

“Guitar – I was home one day from college and I had always wanted to learn guitar so I decided to pick up a guitar we had in the house and started trying to make a decent sound out of it and I had remembered my granddad showing me a C chord ages ago but I couldn’t quite remember it. So I decided to learn a Johnny cash riff ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ only the start part and then once I kind of got it I rung my Dad and Step mum and played it to them over the phone. And from there I learnt all the chords just from reading out a book and using my ear. I learnt on a fender acoustic guitar and now I have one of my dream guitars which is a martin guitar.

“I have been on a holiday to Memphis Tennessee and stayed at the heartbreak hotel it was one of the best times I have had visiting the kings home at Gracelands and then doing sun studios and Beale Street.

“In the process of getting recordings done and demos done to send out and get my music out there”.

To contact me –
FACEBOOK- @BillyCollinsAcoustic
TWITTER – @billster95

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